Painful tren/prop


I made tren/prop at 75/100mg per ml. I used dazed's solution, because it's supposed to be able to hold short esters painlessly. Anyway, i decided to give try a cc yesterday to test the pain factor. I shot ventro glute in the afternoon, by nightime it was a little sore, and when i woke up this morning it was worse. Not unbearable, but considering im gonna have to shoot this eod next cycle, it might be a little more than i can handle. Im looking for some good ideas to ease the pain. I was thinking about brewin up some EQ at 300mg/ml, and adding a half cc of that to each injection. Any ideas are apprecited, thanks. Pic of the tren/prop:
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you may get used to the shots over time. Takes me two weeks usually till the pain is gone. Id say do it for a few weeks and if the pain factor doesnt decrease over that time, start to cut with some sterile oil.