PCT after cycle of 5/6 weeks


New member
Hello everyone I wanted to know your opinion about that a type of PCT would do after a total cycle of 5/6 weeks of Test prop 100 mg x 3 days a week and 30 mg of oral Win every day.
Ok thanks for the answers, since I'm not very experienced in the field, I could do two examples of a standard PCT with Clomid and another with Nolvatex and yet another question, do you think is the case also enter HCG?
Clomid - 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

HCG throughout cycle @250iu E3.5D until 3 days before PCT

Dude, rather than asking all these questions - the info is already on this site. Spend the time reseaching PCT (and cycles for that matter).

If you read all the stickies - you'll find the info you require right there.
Sorry I tried in various discussions I read a lot of things but not knowing much English and given the sensitivity of the issue I did not have the heart to risk it, thanks again for what has been explained, the last thing I did not understand, that I tried without finding comprehensive answers, is taking HCG, for my short course is necessary? and from what I have written you that I understand are 250ui and be taken during the cycle but I did not understand how often to be taken, if you give me this information, or if I can indicate the link where I can find her.
Thanks and sorry if you find errors but use a translator :(
HCG to be taken from first day of the cycle.

250iu per injection - every 3.5 days.

Keep taking HCG until 3 days before start of PCT

Yes, HCG is necessary, even for the short course you are planning, the HCG will stop your testicles from shrinking and will make the transition to PCT much easier.

No problem, your English is good. Hope this helps!
Thank you very much for your kind response, therefore, in summary, with one bottle of Pregnyl 5000IU there I cover all 6-week cycle (250ui x 2) = x 6 3000ui right?
Excuse but still reading I get more and more doubts, you think I would not need even an AI (type Arimidex) during the cycle?
Again many thanks!!!
You should take Arimidex on cycle. The amount and frequency depends on your cycle.

0.5mg every 3 days is a good start point - then you can alter it depending on blood work.
Hello Bigben66 thanks for your patience, is the cycle is written above, in summary, take hCG 250ui x 2 times a week, and 0.5 mg of Arimidex every 3 days for the duration of the cycle, then three days after the last Vis,They will start the PCT, with Clomid - 50/50/50/50 and with Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20.
Thanks again !!