PCT after Vs. PCT During cycle?


Allmost Good Looking
Hi fellow members of the Iron Army ;)

For years i have been using Dr. Michael Scally's PCT, after my 10 week 500-750mg EW Test cycle.
Now i am thinking about trying HCG during my cycle (250 IU 2 x weekly?).

What are the Pros and Cons of doing that?
How do i run PCT after last shot Test E, if i have been using HCG during cycle to maintain testicle size?

Please help me out on this one guys :)
Both facts and personal experience are greatly appreciated.

The pic is Doc Scallys PCT i normally use (only i use 50mg Clomid instaed of 100mg)
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So it's common practice to run 500 iu s 2 times a week. Pretty much for the last 10 years. You will like it helps keep your boys from shrinking.
Among other things.
Same as a conventional PCT...

Start it 18 days after last Test pin, run HCG up until 3 days before commencing PCT.

Clomid - 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20
Same as a conventional PCT...

Start it 18 days after last Test pin, run HCG up until 3 days before commencing PCT.

Clomid - 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

So, actually the only benefit from HCG on cycle is keeping testicle size?
What about side effects?
Any risks with using HCG that long?
Maintaining testicle size and aiding a more rapid recovery.

No risks with long term use as far as I am aware.

I am a TRT patient... I cycle 10 weeks on 4 weeks off, for no reason other than expense.
Maintaining testicle size and aiding a more rapid recovery.

No risks with long term use as far as I am aware.

I am a TRT patient... I cycle 10 weeks on 4 weeks off, for no reason other than expense.

Can i ask what drugs you use and how much for your TRT?
So, actually the only benefit from HCG on cycle is keeping testicle size?
What about side effects?
Any risks with using HCG that long?

Why we need hCG:
1. To produce Pregnenolone; hCG activates the p450 side chain cleavage (p450scc) enzyme which converts cholesterol to Pregnenolone!!!
2. To produce the precursors for DHEA, Estrogen, Cortisol, Testosterone and DHT...back filling the pathways (See #1 above)
3. For proper and normal brain function
4. For proper functioning of the testicles
5. If men ever want to restart
6. If men ever want to have children
7. If men don't want balls that end up in a small mass of useless Collagen
8. The list goes on...

no sides if dose is sensible and not huge
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Hcg doesn't belong in pct. Pct stands for post-cycle-therapy...

Please explain???
Everybody i know use HCG after a cycle.
Followed by nolvadex/clomid.
Even Doc Scally reccommends it.

Does everyone use standard PCT after using HCG during cycle too?
I would think you could use less HCG after the cycle at least?
Please explain???
Everybody i know use HCG after a cycle.
Followed by nolvadex/clomid.
Even Doc Scally reccommends it.

Does everyone use standard PCT after using HCG during cycle too?
I would think you could use less HCG after the cycle at least?

If you're cycling for years, why don't you just go on TRT? You know that PCT is harsh on the body? You already will be on TRT in the future.
If you're cycling for years, why don't you just go on TRT? You know that PCT is harsh on the body? You already will be on TRT in the future.

For several reasons.

* No help from the health Department i my country.
No help monitoring your health, e2, lipids etc.
* I dont want to start, if i am not sure that i will run TRT for the rest of my life.
* The hunt for steroid users get more and more aggressive in my country and may eventually mean that all gyms will have mandatory drug testing.
* I think your body benefits from beeing drug free between cycles.

That is just some of the reasons..
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Why we need hCG:
1. To produce Pregnenolone; hCG activates the p450 side chain cleavage (p450scc) enzyme which converts cholesterol to Pregnenolone!!!
2. To produce the precursors for DHEA, Estrogen, Cortisol, Testosterone and DHT...back filling the pathways (See #1 above)
3. For proper and normal brain function
4. For proper functioning of the testicles
5. If men ever want to restart
6. If men ever want to have children
7. If men don't want balls that end up in a small mass of useless Collagen
8. The list goes on...

no sides if dose is sensible and not huge
good info here thanks for sharing!