PCT Confusion on first Cycle


New member
Hey Guys since my last post Ive found most of the answers to my questions but can anyone shed clarity on these things for me ?

1. People on this forum saying Deca Should be run 2 weeks less than Test E because it will kill my pct if i run it as long as the test
but when i mentioned my first cycle thread no one mentioned it at all which i thought was strange..
so i plan on running it like this now

1-10 Deca 250mg
1-12 Test 500mg
Aromasin 12.5 ED
so would like to clarify..

2. most people have recommended running Clomid for PCT, some recommend running Novladex along side it.. and some have advised steering clear of Novla whilst on deca

so im not sure what will be my best pct for test and deca and what doses but again any help is appreciated, and im happy to read your links etc.

cheers, thanks guys
No one said you can't run both after using deca. Use both clomid and Nolva for best results. They are supposed to have a synergistic effect when used together. As far as doses read the sticky's for good information. I'm sure this dude called TBone will be here soon to give you a link bud.
No one said you can't run both after using deca. Use both clomid and Nolva for best results. They are supposed to have a synergistic effect when used together. As far as doses read the sticky's for good information. I'm sure this dude called TBone will be here soon to give you a link bud.

Fuckin A!
Cheers had another read of the sticky..

Clomid novla combo looks to be the go.. No mention of your feedback of it with deca specifically.. Or on the link unless I've missed something.. Just being anal about my pct I guess

Didn't see anything regarding recommended doses?

From a few threads I've searched would something like this look appropriate to you
Week 1 - novla 40mg ED + 100mg Clomid ED
Week 2,3,4 - novla 20mg ED + 50mg Clomid ED

if I can't get aromsin should I be ok to run Adex .5 mg ED on cycle ?
Cheers had another read of the sticky..

Clomid novla combo looks to be the go.. No mention of your feedback of it with deca specifically.. Or on the link unless I've missed something.. Just being anal about my pct I guess

Didn't see anything regarding recommended doses?

From a few threads I've searched would something like this look appropriate to you
Week 1 - novla 40mg ED + 100mg Clomid ED
Week 2,3,4 - novla 20mg ED + 50mg Clomid ED

if I can't get aromsin should I be ok to run Adex .5 mg ED on cycle ?

Complete myth. You can use clomid and nolva for PCT off any cycle. Being anal about your PCT is a good thing.

Those doses look good, but if you were going to include a 19nor like Deca you would want to extend PCT to 6 weeks. Aromasin or Adex is fine, either or. You might start off with 0.25mg eod first though. 0.5mg ED is a lot. Look into hCG as well, I'll never cycle again without it.

Also, you might want to read up on deca a bit more. No point running it for 10 weeks. For most people it only 'kicks in' about week 8-9. And given this is your first cycle there is zero need for deca, or anything else really. Test only yields awesome gains.