Peanut Allergy. Which Gear Is Safe For Me?


New member
Hello All,

I am thinking of starting my first cycle this upcoming January and I have been doing a lot of research. I want this to be a bulking cycle and I am thinking of starting off with a straight either test e or test cyp cycle to begin for 12 weeks. Now I have been trying to figure out what gear is safe for me because I have a severe peanut allergy. I have read that Oragnon products are most likely no good for me as they suspend most of their products in Arachis (peanut oil). Also Deca would never be good for me as it is also suspended in arachis/panut oil usually. I have also read that many manufacturers use either cottonseed, sesame or grapeseed oil in test products. All of those should be fine for me.

So does anyone know which type or test product from which company would be safe for me to use? It seems hard to find a lot of information on this topic.
Understand what risks you are taking here, i wouldnt trust many ugl's or any at all. Your safest route would be to find some pharm grade gear that you KNOW whats in it or learn how to brew your own so you have no doubts. Have you had an allergy test done? cus you never know if you could be allergic to something else in the gear. If you did inject something you're allergic too im not sure if its something that would be as easy to treat as eating something. Be safe bro.
^Thanks for the reply and help man I really do appreciate it. I would say that home brewing would probably be the safest route by far but I may try and find some pharm grade as you suggest. Yes I have had an allergy test done and I am definitely allergic to peanuts. I have only ever had one reaction and I have been very careful since then.

I am wondering now if there is anything within the test itself that may be derived from peanuts?
Allergies suck man , i have some mild allergies. One is sweet potatoes and it closes my airways a bit. Not fun! im sure you know. I dont think test powder would have anything in it. It is something you could look up tho. It would actually be a decent bit cheaper to brew your stuff too. Usually have to buy a lot of powder at once tho. Good luck bro. And stay safe!
Its the carrier oil that is the one that will get you, just communicate with the lab and tell them about your issues and ask about the oil used for there products and or oral products if they are liquid suspension's.
Thanks for all the help bros! I truly do appreciate it. :) I was a bit disappointed when I found out some of this could be quite dangerous for me as I have been really looking forward to starting a cycle. But if I am careful like you all have suggested I should be okay I think. I am definitely thinking about going for a good pharm grade test product to start. I was just talking with my friend today about getting some gear and he told me he gets all of his from Eclipse Pharmaceuticals here in Canada. I can't find much online about this company though so that makes me a bit nervous about that company. He said he would check it all out for me though and make sure it is safe but I want to make sure myself that the lab I get my gear from will be very reputable and safe for me.

Can anyone recommend a good reputable lab in Canada that i could possibly contact? Sorry if I am being annoying about all of this.
Eclipse is gtg; I know 2 bloaks that have used their gear successfully within the past 2 years. I don't know what they use for oil though. Don't expect a recommendation with a post count of "4", it takes time to build your rep and have people trust you - sorry boss.