Peanut Butter and honey Sandwiches


New member
just curious if peanut butter sandwiches are any good with honey
always use whole wheat bread as well but like to have a couple sandwiches before bed it seems lol
Good as in tasting or for you? Like 3J said, stats and goals? If you're light and trying to bulk up, then yeah I would recommend it. Cheap, easy, lots of protein and carbs. But if you want to stay lean, might want to avoid the high fat and carbs coming from pb and honey sandwiches.
They taste delicious. Once you go down that path theres no going if they incorporate into you fitness goals, thats a another thread
Ooooo yeaaa!!!!! Peanut butter and honey sandwhich. :blue: You have good taste!

I wouldn't eat honey before bed though. I think it's high on the glycemic scale. Don't want to elevate blood sugar before bed.

But you made me hungry man, I want one now.
Lol they taste great, but peanut butter is really high in fat. If you have problems staying cut then you may want to stay away from this combo lol. If you're just going for straight bulk then go for it.

Sir Anabolic, why do you avoid elevating blood sugar before bed?
I wouldn't take in too much sugar before bed at the end of the week it adds up now think a month from now. Its not worth it I'd stick to just pb and bread.