
i have never tried it but have heard good things about it. i have read up on it before and apparantly it is very similar to Winstrol (winny) but better in the fact that sides are less.

thats all i know. you want pb labs to take a look at some for ya? free of charge long as you pay the shipping.
17aa dht derivative. very sim to winny/dros in effect. does you guy got it? should be worth a try if it aint outrageous on price. oral dosing 2xday is best. 50-100mg/d is a good daily dose. also good for beating doping tests.
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Isn't it supposed to help your cholesterol profile?

I know pb is really big on getting his cholesterol down, he's always going on and on about lipitor and shit. :p
hells love me some cheque drops or in the world wide search for some.....powders preferably (not hinting for a source and noone bother PMing me with a source.)
whats cholesterol?

did you guys know that 70% of all heart attack victims have normal cholesterol levels?

tex dont get me started on this one again. fukking ama. as a nation we consume on a yearly basis over half the prescibed meds in the entire feakin world. out of 6 billion people 250 million take over half.

how does that happen?

any thoughts tex? hummm? well? spill the beanos texo.
thats the most intellegent response you have ever given. i am blown away. you win the freeze dried fumunda package. i just need you credit card number and checking account number. i promise i will not give to anyone. no really.......=0)
gymphreak said:
hells love me some cheque drops or in the world wide search for some.....powders preferably (not hinting for a source and noone bother PMing me with a source.)

is furazabol or halo or even cheque drops for that matter available in powder form?
cheque drops are similar to halo, and some people prefer cheque drops over halo...thats all i know....

ida u got PM
TxLonghorn said:

I'm still waiting for you to fax me that papervar, dammit!

what? you didnt receive that document yet? darn usps. let me see if i still got that tracking number. heads are gonna roll.