Peptide Blend CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 Blend


New member
I have 5mg CJC-1295 and 5mg GHRP-6 Blend from Does that mean there are 5mg of each for a total of 10 mg? I'm prob just overthinking this but it will make a huge diff when I reconstitute it. I'd like to be sure of how much I'm taking. This is my first post and I'd appreciate any feed back. TYVM
5ml usually wont fit. I just used 2.5ml and inject 5 units each time for a 100 mcg of each when I inject.
Are you serious ? Are you saying they put both peptides in the one vial ? 5mg of each in one vial ? Ive never heard of that before.
LEt us know how it works man. Ive read some bad reports about extreme's peptides but Ive never used them so I cant comment. I've also just read some bad reports about blending peptides from dudes that sound like they know what they are talking about but afaik they have as much knowledge of chemistry as I do of rocket science. So please make sure you post your results so we can all learn more about these blends. With your re-constitutation - its completely up to you but I prefer 2:1 ratio so if you have 10mg (5mg+5mg) Id be reconing with 5ml Bac Water. I guess the 1:1 ratio that they blended is only suitable for those looking for that ratio but generally Id be going for 150mcg of CJC with 100mcg of GHRP-6 3 times a day. Having a 1:1 blended peptide means your stuck with 100mcg:100mcg or 150mcg:150mcg. So your either wasting one or under using the other. The saturation for GHRP-6 is estimated at 1mcg per kilo bodyweight.
Ok a little background first. I've been workingout most my life I'm now 36. I'm naturally very lean, I've had a 6 pack since I was like 10 years old. Unfortunately it comes with a price, I cant gain weight. I think that comes more from my inability to eat regularly rather than my fast metabolism. Whatever the reason, its difficult for me to gain weight. It bothered me when I was younger but not so much anymore. Now I am content with what I was born with....and when I say content I mean when I am on Cycle! =) However I am not running cycles year round for the rest of my life, I am no pro bodybuilder. I am an Electrician!
So I looked into GHRP-6 and peptides for many reasons but the important one to me was the increase in Appetite. The aforementioned Blend from extreme isn't causeing the hunger I have read about. I thought maybe I diluted it too much, (10mgblend, 5ml water) so I doubled the dose, still nothing. So I have 2 questions:
1. Everybody is different, will everyone Always feel the increase of appetite from GHRP-6 no matter what?
2. What other brands of Peptides should I look at because I am now doubting the legitimacy of Extreme because I feel no increase in hunger.
Never tried the blends but I'd be curious if it lets the peptides stay stable. Does anyone know if blends remain stable for sure?

Also, it sounds like maybe you mixed things wrong, but not real sure...

For 5mg do 2.5ml of water (every 5th tick = 100mcg that way). In your case it sounds like 2.5ml for the whole thing. (not 5ml or 2.5 per peptide since it is all the same vial) If I understand it right.

GHRP-6 and even GHRP-2 almost always increase hunger. Of course not everyone is 100% the same and it is dose dependent. In my research anything over say 100mcg of GHRP-2 make the test subject ravenously hungry. Maybe you diluted to much or didn't get enough dosage to stimulate appetite like you want.

When you do get the right amount you will know, no doubt about that. Hope this helps!

Take care,
Extremepeptides blends

Never tried the blends but I'd be curious if it lets the peptides stay stable. Does anyone know if blends remain stable for sure?

Also, it sounds like maybe you mixed things wrong, but not real sure...

For 5mg do 2.5ml of water (every 5th tick = 100mcg that way). In your case it sounds like 2.5ml for the whole thing. (not 5ml or 2.5 per peptide since it is all the same vial) If I understand it right.

GHRP-6 and even GHRP-2 almost always increase hunger. Of course not everyone is 100% the same and it is dose dependent. In my research anything over say 100mcg of GHRP-2 make the test subject ravenously hungry. Maybe you diluted to much or didn't get enough dosage to stimulate appetite like you want.

When you do get the right amount you will know, no doubt about that. Hope this helps!

Take care,

I purchased a rp-2/cjc-1295 blend admittedly before doing any real research. Got ansy and pulled the trigger on a small order. Since ordering I have been able to google about a little more and I am dissappointed to see that the blends are NOT held in high regard. Should I take that with a grain of salt? Does anyone have any first hand experience with blends? Seems that if someone isn't seeing a very common side-effect of hunger when using rp-6 that the quality of the product may be low or the product is underdosed. What do you guys think?
I think if people researched they would find extreme peptides has a horrible rep and wouldnt buy from them man.
You get what you pay for.
I think if people researched they would find extreme peptides has a horrible rep and wouldnt buy from them man.
You get what you pay for.

Exactly man! people need to do their research first. and NOT at only forums that give them their own little section. i mean general forums. people un bias opinions, or even news on certain labs;/shops. news that they try to suppress...
There is a select few i will use and EP is NOT EVEN CLOSE to being one of them...