peptide stacking question along with hcg


New member
Hello all...long time reader first time poster

I am about to embark on a cycle after a 6 mth layoff.

Ive run a few peptides in the past with hit and miss results, mostly due to hit and miss gear, and relied mostly on running test and var/winny for desired results.

Starting a trt cycle through pharma scipt along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) daily injects and very very low doses.

Plans are to couple into this GHRP6, GH FRAG and Serm....

Should I have any worries in doing so? My biggest concern is with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dose being in there...Id otherwise be ok with it.


Serm or sarm?? Hcg shouldn't conflict with peptides as ghrp will affect growth hormone and Hcg will affect LH. If your using hgh don't shoot it with peptides rather 15 minutes after your peptide shot and then it will amplify the pulse without any negative feedback.