Peptides before bed. Blunt natural GH or enhance it?


New member
I'm wondering whether injecting a pep combo such as CJC1293/GHRP-6 before bed would enhance the natural GH produced during sleep or would it blunt it as HGH does?

I'm wondering whether injecting a pep combo such as CJC1293/GHRP-6 before bed would enhance the natural GH produced during sleep or would it blunt it as HGH does?


Do not use cjc1293, throw it away, its a waste.. Get ModGRF (1-29) 1mcg per kg and Ipam 250-500mcg before bed for best results. Some get better sleep with GHRP-2/6 and some worse... Most get benefits with Ipam. It will enhance it, these are signalling peptides not synthetic like Scitrophin.