Peptides for help in healing a ligiment injury???

kev ute

New member
So i recently hurt my knee while at work. I was already gonna start my first ghrp2 and mod grf 1-29 cycle in a about a week. I'm just wondering if this combo would have any effect on helping my injury.

Sorry, my injury is a strained/sprained ligiment in my knee. The muscles and tendons are good. Also i suffer from mild arthritis in my knee. At first i couldn't even go up and down stairs. Its getting better but very slowly which is normal for ligiment injuries. If my knee is twisted slightly in the wrong way i get a sharp pain in there.

I've basically had to completely stay away from all leg workouts and deadlifts. Which totally sucks.

Anyways Thanks for any help or input anyone could give me.
I would check out our TB-500 and read up on the healing capabilities for your research needs. We have a 50% off sale if you want to grab one and try it out.
So i recently hurt my knee while at work. I was already gonna start my first ghrp2 and mod grf 1-29 cycle in a about a week. I'm just wondering if this combo would have any effect on helping my injury.

Sorry, my injury is a strained/sprained ligiment in my knee. The muscles and tendons are good. Also i suffer from mild arthritis in my knee. At first i couldn't even go up and down stairs. Its getting better but very slowly which is normal for ligiment injuries. If my knee is twisted slightly in the wrong way i get a sharp pain in there.

I've basically had to completely stay away from all leg workouts and deadlifts. Which totally sucks.

Anyways Thanks for any help or input anyone could give me.
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Well every peptide has a N-terminus and C-terminus residue on the ends of the peptide..Peptides have recently received prominence in molecular biology for several reasons..
Well every peptide has a N-terminus and C-terminus residue on the ends of the peptide..Peptides have recently received prominence in molecular biology for several reasons..

How about tying that into how they help repair and which ones are best suited for the task asked about on this thread?
Yeah, i don't know much about tb 500. I've read a little. I'll definately have to look into this further. Or maybe just go to the doctors too. LOL! i rarely go to the doctors! sometimes i'm just a little dense!
HGH heals we all know this and it does it through boosting IGF.

So what peps boost IGF

IGF-LR3, IGF-DES, and all of the GH releasing peptides and stimulators that are stacked with them.

The new new stuff I haven't got a clue , on paper they seem capable of amazing things.
TB-500 is used to get lame horses back up to racing shape. When the horses are run very hard before races TB-500 is used to get them up to top shape. Its a very widely used compound in the equine race world.