peptides vs hgh

robot lord

New member
Would like to start off by saying I understand this a forum dedicated to the use and promotion of peptides. Secondly I am currently using the ghrp2/mod grf combo and have been since Nov 2011. Month on month off of igf lr3 as well. I have experienced good results and recently added a mid level Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol from Maximus. Body fat going down nicely and have actually put on about 15lbs of mass.
So onto my question. How does a high grade HGH compare to the peptides I have been using. I have been reading threads devoted to testing blood levels but it all seems so questionable. Do we really know how long after administration to be tested or if testing will even show the impact of the peps accurately. Forgot who said it but peps were likened to your grandpops rusty shotgun and HGH to an RPG. Of course this is one man's opinion. High quality peps are cheap and very accesible to the masses and real HGH hard to find and expensive. Let me know your opinions guys. Like to here from guys with backgrounds in using both extensively. If I ruffled any feathers I would like to apologize in advance!
I won't knock the peptides but there is one thing you should pay close attention to.

Even the die hard peptide guys use HGH!

So I don;t believe that one can really substitute the other.
Yeah, peptides are a great way to reap most of the benefits of exogenous HGH without the majority of side effects. But I still use HGH. I love it stacked with the peptides or some use the peptides to jump start their pituitary after a long HGH cycle.

Ultimately though it really depends on how high a dose of hgh you plan on running. If you are only going to run 2-5ius of hgh. You could get the same effect from running peptides. But if you plan on hitting 10iu's+ there's really no comparison.
Yeah, peptides are a great way to reap most of the benefits of exogenous HGH without the majority of side effects. But I still use HGH. I love it stacked with the peptides or some use the peptides to jump start their pituitary after a long HGH cycle.

Ultimately though it really depends on how high a dose of hgh you plan on running. If you are only going to run 2-5ius of hgh. You could get the same effect from running peptides. But if you plan on hitting 10iu's+ there's really no comparison.

So your telling me taking 5iu's a day on HGH is not gonna do it for me? I'm 33 and on a hunt for my HGH. In fact I'm now obsessed but but I only plan on 5iu's
5iu's is great for fat loss.. administer first thing in the am.. But the peptides will also induce lipolysis. If your goals are to put on Mass, I would suggest 10iu's 3x a week on workout days.. it's much better for LBM.

So I guess the question is, what are your expectations of 5iu's and what are you goals?
Me personally, I am a pretty big dude at 245 lbs but abdominal and lower back(aka love handles)fat is an ever present issue. Now that my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol includes danazol and in conjunction with the peps my abs are slowly and steadily becoming very visible. So I guess my goals would be more so reduction of body fat and anti aging. If your Ferrari has a car cover on it all the time the hot chicks cant see it. LOL! So for now it seems 5iu will put me where I need to be. Would u guys agree? Keep in mind guys I am 40 and have no plans to walk out on stage in a competition arena. Don't get me wrong, I would love to continue adding size and strength but my pressing issue is bf. So 2.5iu in morning and 2.5iu bed time sounds about right.Or one 5iu big boy dose as soon as i wake up? Empty stomach like peps?
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I don't advise that you take HGH prior to bed. It can disrupt your natural release. When you hit REM sleep, the average male secretes around 2 iu's of HGH anyway. I would dose all 5 iu's first thing am on an empty stomach, coupled with fasted cardio. Diet is still going to play a bigger part in your fat loss.. if that's not on point, you probably won't see the results you are looking for.
Would it be ok to use the HGH mon-fri and peps on non training week ends? I train 4-5 week days and rest on week ends. Usually just cardio on wednesday to break it up.
Would it be ok to use the HGH mon-fri and peps on non training week ends? I train 4-5 week days and rest on week ends. Usually just cardio on wednesday to break it up.

I would run the HGH at least 5 days on and 2 off. And yes, peptides would be a nice complement to the HGH, but I would also run those 5 days a week. You could stager it.. start HGH monday-Friday, and the Peptides Wed. - Sun.
You're doing ok with a split routine. Administering HGH before bed time is a perfect time. You're already inducing a pulse with daily multiple dosages and I don't see any reason along with peptides you would down regulate your natural HGH or atleast it has yet to be proven. Look forward to your input.
Me personally, I am a pretty big dude at 245 lbs but abdominal and lower back(aka love handles)fat is an ever present issue. Now that my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol includes danazol and in conjunction with the peps my abs are slowly and steadily becoming very visible. So I guess my goals would be more so reduction of body fat and anti aging. If your Ferrari has a car cover on it all the time the hot chicks cant see it. LOL! So for now it seems 5iu will put me where I need to be. Would u guys agree? Keep in mind guys I am 40 and have no plans to walk out on stage in a competition arena. Don't get me wrong, I would love to continue adding size and strength but my pressing issue is bf. So 2.5iu in morning and 2.5iu bed time sounds about right.Or one 5iu big boy dose as soon as i wake up? Empty stomach like peps?
Thanks guys. I am very new to HGH and peps so your input has helped me greatly. I have to imagine I would have made many costly mistakes had I relied solely on the misinformation from the so called experts at the gym.