Persisting Side Effects of Novedex XT PLEASE HELP!


New member
This is going to be a detailed post so forgive me if I write anything too descriptive. I have posted on another forum but wanted to ask the advice of some of the more experienced guys on here. I want to know what has happened to my body as a result of taking this goes:

I am 25 years old, I took Novedex XT when I was 23 years and 6 months old. I took 2 capsules per day for 6 weeks just before bed. On the drug I had absolutely no sexual side effects and I managed to put on a considerable amount of weight (I weighed 11 stone before taking and after stopped I weighed 12 stone).
I quit the drug cold turkey and went on holiday..and after a few days I started noticing problems:

I had severe ED to the point where I would ejaculate prematurely before getting it properly erect
Numb genitalia
Hard Flaccid
Premature Ejaculation
Spider Veins
No Libido
No feeling of orgasm
No morning wood
No spontaneous

My facial hair stopped growing as quickly as it was...

The ED carried on for around a month and then started to get a little better and then stabilised so that I could get an erection but it was much much harder than before taking the supplement.
These symptoms are basically the same sexual symptoms the finasteride guys are suffering from.
Anyway...I was away for a while so didnt have the chance to get blood tests done until I came back..

3 months after stopped I had hormones tests carried out which all came back normal (didnt have DHT or E tested). I then has another test 2 months later (High E and High DHT - almost 2 times the range for both). Everything else that was tested came back normal including prolactin. I then had another 6 weeks later which came back normal for everything again.

Where I am at now:

My penis hasn't lost any mass per se as I can see the normal size returning now and again or on taking alpha blockers but what is persisting is:

Numb genitalia
Hard Flaccid
Premature Ejaculation
Spider Veins
Low Libido
Almost no feeling of orgasm
No morning wood - improves now and again
No spontaneous - once every two months I reckon
penis tenses up on touch and bends to the left

What could have happened to my body in such a short time frame to cause this issue!? I don't feel like this is hormone related anymore but as a side effect from taking hormones. Does anyone care to venture a guess or any suggestions of what they think might help?

Any advice or information appreciated
I think the issue is you stopped cold turkey, and did not do a proper post cycle therapy (pct) and your body is in shock trying to stay withing normal parameters. I am not a doctor but give your body some time to balance out, and please relax your body will fix itself.Remember never stop in the middle and do your homework, or at least ask.
I regret not reading up on this! The problem is it has been going on for nearly a year and a half! I looked all over the web for side effects from this thing and couldn't find any related! Most posters across the web said you didn't need a post cycle therapy (pct) for this but that is obviously not true, it produces enough test to supress for sure! It's as if I have some sort of nerve issue which hasn't resolved itself.
It's either all mental or something else. How is ur diet? Are u stressed? Do u sleep? Do u take medication, or consume high caffiene? These all come into play.
dude nolvadex xt is weak it wouldnt cause worse side effects than real oral steroids. its all in your head in a few weeks you'll be fine