PG as solvent in oil based injectable


New member
Is PG painful?
How high can I go with it (%)?
Can it be used 50%?
I am trying to get a very stable oil based Winstrol (winny) at 50mg. I have tried:
8%BA, 10%BB, nope
10%BA, 15%BB, nope
8%BA, 10%BB, 10%PEG400, nope
100%PEG400, holds good, but I want oil

So I ordered a gallon of PG and thought to try that. Any experience or suggestions?
I heard it was painfull as a mother f'er, but it is used in tranq shots. Why do you insist on injecting, do you believe it to work localized? I know some people do believe that (never used it myself so heck if I know).
Mudge said:
I heard it was painfull as a mother f'er, but it is used in tranq shots. Why do you insist on injecting, do you believe it to work localized? I know some people do believe that (never used it myself so heck if I know).

Its not for me and people love it injectable.
Mr.T said:
PG is not really an oil, it is an alcohol.

I sent you a couple of emails about buying your solvent in bulk for this. LMK.
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dude2003 said:
I sent you a couple of emails about buying your solvent in bulk for this. LMK.

Mr. T has excellent service.
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