[PHOTOS] Red itching spots all over my body after first test e cycle.... PLEASE HELP!

Hey guys, i have this real serious skin problem that i have been dealing with ever since i started with my first test e cycle in april this year. What im dealing with is red flat spots all over my body (arms, legs, back, calves and stomach). These spots are flat and red, and if i dont but moisturise on they become dry and extremly itchy. I have, after making a skinbiopsi made by a skindoctor, had it confimed as a allergical reaction from the steroids.

They itch alot if i dont use medical topical creams given to me by doctor (will get back to that).
I started the cycle on 6th april and these spots didnt start to show up until 18th may to be exact. I have never ever had any skin problems previously that were remotely close to this.
All i have haad problem with in the past is acne but a good accutane cycle blessed me with perfect skin (even on heavy dbol cycles).

So anyways, i have been taking metametasone (a strong cortison topical cream) on the the problem areas and after 5-6 days it makes the spots dissapear temporarely but as soon as i stop using it the spots fire back like nothing has happened.
I was on vacation recently and got dexamethasone injections (very strong anti inflammatorial cortison) eod wich helped tremendously and got rid of the spots instantly but same thing here, they come back after just a couple of days.

So to my question,,have you guys ever heard of or experienced anything like this and how do i prevent this from happening again? I know many of the side effects of steroids but this is something that i had never imagined. I eat the same foods that i always had eaten, nothing special. I dont take any medication other than the test (except kickstart with dbol).

I have had several dbol and one tbol cycle previously with no side effects other than acne as i said. Its ironic that the side effect i dreaded and struggled with the most was acne on the face and now when i have gotten rid of that shit i have been instead been attacked by red spots all over my body except my face xD what a fucking soup i am in (as we say in sweden). thanks guys

SUMMARY: First test e cycle ever on 250mg/e5d and i got red itching spots all over my body. This has not happened before and i have had it confirmed by a skinbiopsi made by skindoctor that this is a reaction to the steroids i have taken....am i allergic to testosterone injections????

Never seen anything like this before. It has to be the carrier or solvents. I wouldn't be running that gear any longer.
Never seen anything like this before. It has to be the carrier or solvents. I wouldn't be running that gear any longer.

At this moment i doubt its neither the eo oil or the other carriers that is to blame for my problems. Because you see, these spots didnt show up until the 4-5th week on my cycle. I mean if i was allergic to the carriers then the reaction would have come as soon as the substance was in my blood, right?

The spots showed up after that faithful nightout were i mixed all those stuff togheter. I believe that the xtc+propranolol+carrier was what triggered this outbreak. But the question is,, what is still in my body that wont go away`? Is it some sort of blood infection?

please give me your thoughts on this guys..
I go with Roush.
I've never seen this happen but with my vast experience with myself and many other people this is typical of an allergy.

If its is the oil, then why did it take 4-5 weeks before my body showed a reaction? To solely blame the oil makes no sense in my opionion...
Usually the oil allergy happens fast in the first week. This started well into the cycle. Have you contacted the manufacture to find out what the oil used was? Could you also pm me the brand please. I think you really need to go threw process of elimination. This should have passed long ago.
What about supplements? Did you change any during your cycle and are still on them? Prework out or protein possibly.
Ok so after a lot of research im pretty sure now what i have and what have caused this.

Im very positive that i have something called Pityriasis Rosea caused from the pills i have taken. They look identical to my spots, they cause a Christmas three formation on the back (just like on me), it often starts on the trunk (just like mine did) and according to the research that i have read two of the triggering compounds are isotretinoin (accutane) and beta-blockers (propranolol). If anyone is interested i can post the research.

This is probably it guys, i just have to wait until it resolves by itself. They say it usually takes between 6-8 weeks for it to resolve. But in some cases it has taken 5+ months so i need to be patient :)

Previously, when i thought that the gear was the cause of this, i said to myself man i have not used gear in over 12 weeks and still i have the spots. What i didnt know back then that i know now is that the gear was not the issue, it was the propr and accutane. So while i stopped the gear i did not stop the propranolol which i took from time to time, fueling the erruption on my body. Last time i used propr. was on new years eve and im gonna wait and see now when this will resolve. So to be continued :)

thanks for all the people coming with constructive comments,,, you really helped getting perspective on this!