pics b4 cycle....suggestions needed


I am 22 years old
210 lbs.

I did a cycle of Reforvit about 8 months ago in an attempt to bulk. I did 35 mg a day for about seven weeks. I had great results so I this time I got some British Dragon Methanabol and some Stanabol. I have been trying to bulk and have now gotten some weight on. Based on the pics, should I do the Methanabol first and keep bulking or should I do the Stanabol and start trying to cut it down. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

i agree, drop the gear and hit the treadmill along with a solid diet. No point in trying to bulk or use gear at this point because you're gonna be worse off. It's gonna take some time to get it down to the low teens, but cardio to get the bf down would be my first priority instead of trying to find supps/aas to use.
I have lifted on and off for about three years, but I started back consistently about 10 months ago.
sweet 'Moobs'... lol

I agree with the guys above... not only because of your current physique, but because if you aren't ready to inject... you aren't ready for juice.
if you are going to cycle, you chose some bad gear to start with.
Read these:

Without offending you, it seems that you don't really have your diet in check. Get that organized first, maybe drop a few lbs of fat and then go for another cycle.

I reccomend starting with a long ester test, like Test Enanthate or Cyp, at 500mg/wk for 10-12 wks. Again, if your diet isn't together no amount of steroids are going to get you gains.
Seriously diet and a good routine will help you. Doing a cycle prob just made you worse off.

Oh yea theres more to the gym then chest and arms.
i agree with everyones comments, diet, cardio.. after that you should gain some nice lean mass. your body will be thirsty for growth!
You need to learn the basics and have a clue on what to use IF you ever decide to. Looks to me like you need heavy training and a good diet plan.
