Pics from first show

Little guy

New member
I competed in my first show a couple of weeks ago here are some pics, I took the three spot out of 11 guys. My trainer was pissed he said i should have taken first but my posing was way off. As a full time student that works it was hard to find time to do everything. Oh well i know what i need to work on now and cant wait to start training for the next one.
Conditioning is awesome, very well developed for a 22 yr old. I'm guessing the guys who beat you had a few years experience on you.
Powerathlete said:
Nice job. Your conditioning looks very good. What type of diet/training did you use?

thanks man, moderate carbs for the most part didnt really drop below 200 grams till the last 5 weeks, and cardio out the ass. My trainer believes in keeping calories a little bit higher and using more cardio and conditioining.
Little guy said:
thanks man, moderate carbs for the most part didnt really drop below 200 grams till the last 5 weeks, and cardio out the ass. My trainer believes in keeping calories a little bit higher and using more cardio and conditioining.
That sounds like it would be a little easier to keep on track as well. I get so damn hungry if I drop my calories real low.