

How True

A "wise" man once said that a black man would be president when pigs fly.
Sure enough, 100 days into Obama's term.

yes it is funny! cause he has spent more unneccesary money than Bush and Clinton combine on infristructure. What a fool he is. Also they worry about the economy but the dumb democrats are the ones who startes spending billions and billions on global warming. There are more scientist out there that say let the earth deal with itself. They spen money on stuff like that but fuss at republicans for the war. Dont get me started on them JASKA%$ES
yes it is funny! cause he has spent more unneccesary money than Bush and Clinton combine on infristructure. What a fool he is. Also they worry about the economy but the dumb democrats are the ones who startes spending billions and billions on global warming. There are more scientist out there that say let the earth deal with itself. They spen money on stuff like that but fuss at republicans for the war. Dont get me started on them JASKA%$ES

Dude this is such a theist statement 'Let the earth deal with itself'. Good point after all the rapture is on its way.

There are a minority of scientists with this opinion the vast majority believe in global warming and the inevitable devastation it will bring. If I were you I would hope that the scientific community come up with an answer to global warming otherwise your descendants may pay a heavy price. But maybe God will save us?