pink thai's = OMFG

not true for everyone

Although gains from Dbol the first few weeks are intially water, I believe the extar intracelluar water leads to actual tissue gains if ran 4-6 weeks. That is one reason why I suggets never to use aromatose inhibitors while on Dbol, because although it may cut some blaot, you are shortchanging your possible gains from the dbol. If you didnt want any bloat run fina instead of dbol. People crack me up, they try to get the best of both worlds. You cant have no blaot on dbol and expect to make gains. This is how the drug works. Same way with anadrol, although aromatose inhibitors wont help with the bloat.

the extra water would yield much better muscle gain due to the great increase in strength from the increased cellular leverage. Now to suggest never using AI's while on dbol is not a proper statement. If I take dbol with no AI's, here comes the tits. I also can not tolerate fina. Dbol with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will give some good results, although not nearly as much as you would see with the water retention.

You CAN gain on dbol/drol without the water retention. To say this is how the drug works and by no other mechanism of action is completely wrong.

My roomate used dbol with .5mg/adex/day and gained 5lbs. in 4 weeks.
TooPowerful4u said:
Hell yea thai's are good. My friend is running a test cycle of enanthate so i know that isnt responsible. 25mg ED with Thai's. He went from benchin 265 at beginning to 355 in 2 weeks. Saw it with my own eyes. Some guys from this board and elite that go to my gym couldnt believe it either. Have any of you seen anything like this? 90lbs on bench in 2 weeks?!

HOLY CRAP... that is amazing, yea i noticed my strength getting up there last week as well, not like that but my bench now is up to 305, from 275 so that is cool.:D
RoadHouse said:
Why does everyone seem to think the gains from dbol and anadrol are all water?

Because they are mostly water. I've done Anadrol cycles with Sustanon (sust) and I've done D-bol cycles with Sustanon (sust) and Equi. The first 4 weeks I shot up in bodyweight but I didn't maintain it through the cycle. D-bol and Anadrol do however promote drastic protein synthesis and stimulates strength in a very direct and fast-acting way. That's one of the reasons people use it at the beginning of cycle when they are also taking long-acting test esters and nandrolone. D-bol is also a lot safer and mg for mg you get much better results from D-bol.
i had the same cycle only sus i took 250 1 time per week dbol the same 6 weeks sus 4 weeks dbol gained 19 lbs i been off for about 4 and a half weeks now and lost only 2 lbs plus i am not takeing clomid or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) cause of my kidney infection i had thats why i stoped sus so early. Almost 5 weeks of and 2lbs down thats pretty good it werked wonders for me it will do the same for you. Good luck bro hope you finish the whole cycle not like me i pissed blood kidneys for some reason went down im fine now.