Pinned my Mid Delt, PIP is a killer!


New member
I been using some test P, and was getting tons of soreness, so I decide to give my glutes a break because they where still sore from my last 1 cc injection, I gave my MID DELT a shot, and oh my, the next day, the PIP is intense, Any treatments/suggestions on to relieve some of the soreness, or ways to prevent, so much soreness from a shot?
That's weird. Most guys usually don't get too much pain with felt injections. What's you pinning technique and how much volume are my you injecting?
I injected 1cc or test prop, I hit the middle of my mid delt, I have 1/1-2 needle, only stuck it in about a inch, I just crossed my right arm, and then injected it straight in, slowly, waited 20 second before i pulled it out and thats it, Rubbed it alot,
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I injected 1cc or test prop, I hit the middle of my mid delt, I have 1/1-2 needle, only stuck it in about a inch, I just crossed my right arm, and then injected it straight in, slowly, waited 20 second before i pulled it out and thats it, Rubbed it alot,
That's part of your problem (bolded). Ibuprofen and heat are pretty much your best options at this point. It's okay to apply pressure to an injection site, but do NOT rub it. That causes inflammation to a site of trauma, which makes things worse for you. ;)
You can also try pinning the ventro-gluteal , that small slab of muscle right below your hip bone , its actually my favorite , theres not much nerve there so you really dont feel it and I never get PIP there....~Bo
You can also try pinning the ventro-gluteal , that small slab of muscle right below your hip bone , its actually my favorite , theres not much nerve there so you really dont feel it and I never get PIP there....~Bo

Nice ok, thanks for in put