Pinns Test E 500mg @ 12 weeks ....First Cycle.... PICS!!!!


New member
First cycle here. Feel free to follow along.

Pinns Test E 250mg Twice weekly. Might run it for 15 weeks but will determine that in week 12.
Arimidex .125 mg EOD

Blast HCG post cycle/ pre pct


Increase Strength and 1 rep maxes.
Finish my cycle weighing between 170-175

Diet and work out are on point.

Now...for the eye candy

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Questions, comments, concerns?
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Just did my second pinn. I've done ventrogluteal both times. First time I had a slight bit of PIP...second time was a breeze. Weight is the same still. Started my creatine on cycle as well. Hopefully this won't skew my weight TOO much.
Just did my second pinn. I've done ventrogluteal both times. First time I had a slight bit of PIP...second time was a breeze. Weight is the same still. Started my creatine on cycle as well. Hopefully this won't skew my weight TOO much.

Good luck brother! Keeping an eye on this. Creatine will take about 3-4weeks to fully saturate in your system but you'll see a few lbs increase for sure. Can't wait to see end results so keep us updated.
Just a random thought....I am in Nursing school...and I have a RX for adderal. I used to take it maybe 1 time a month...but now I am taking it almost weekly as school has gotten much harder.

Adderal suppresses appetite...rut row.
Just a random thought....I am in Nursing school...and I have a RX for adderal. I used to take it maybe 1 time a month...but now I am taking it almost weekly as school has gotten much harder.

Adderal suppresses appetite...rut row.

Are you using it for ADHD or for energy? If the former try vivance, the loss of appetite on that isn't as bad as adderall. If the latter try caffeine pills or a weak dose of any pre-workout drink.
I'm taking Vyvanse while finishing nursing pre-reqs myself. I've run the gamut with ADHD meds. IMO Vyvanse is definitely the least appetite suppressing, but its still a challenge to stay hydrated when taking creatine with it. Online chemistry has me taking it 3x a week, I can feel my blood pressure is up. I would personally try to avoid it on cycle but my bp is easily affected.
Almost two weeks in. My body is definetly more cut. No weight change at all though. Mostly due to the diet.
Starting mine next Monday bro, except mines 15 weeks. For your log, how bout you add diet and training routine in there?

Also just a question from my stand point. Whats you're surplus? I was thinking of waiting till week 2 to actually go into a surplus (maybe like 100-200), and bring protein intake up high. Then week 3 raise my surplus too 500, and go all out on diet. Was thinking this way since Test-E doesn't necessarily kick in until week 3-4. Thinking it may minimize the fat gain, until its alright and good to go. Protein wise though, I hear it only takes a week to get a better protein synthesis.