Pinns Test E 500mg @ 12 weeks ....First Cycle.... PICS!!!!

Give Vyanse a try bro... same focus, less appetite suppression. Lasts longer too.

I would if I still had that I have 10 full bottles of adderal that I stocked up on. I only take it when I study...but for some reason it will supress me into the next day.
The gyms been fun. That's for sure. But size is my goal!!!

Me too brother!! Running 500mgs Test E a week(2x weekly), 600mgs Test prop a week(3x weekly), and 150mgs Tren Ace a week(3x weekly). Im going for mass to. The test Prop is only being run for the first 4-6 weeks as a kicker, then dropping it to 200mgs a week.
Just a random thought....I am in Nursing school...and I have a RX for adderal. I used to take it maybe 1 time a month...but now I am taking it almost weekly as school has gotten much harder.

Adderal suppresses appetite...rut row.

I don't know how you do this. I used to take adderal as well but it would just destroy my gains because of its appetite suppressing properties (not to mention the insomnia). After my first cycle when I got up to 215, then took addy for finals and lost 10 lbs I said never again. So here I am never taking adderall and gains are great in the gym. Is it harder? Yup. Am I happier? Definitely. Good luck!
I don't know how you do this. I used to take adderal as well but it would just destroy my gains because of its appetite suppressing properties (not to mention the insomnia). After my first cycle when I got up to 215, then took addy for finals and lost 10 lbs I said never again. So here I am never taking adderall and gains are great in the gym. Is it harder? Yup. Am I happier? Definitely. Good luck!

A sympathizer! Finally lol.

I wish I had the choice. But obviously, school comes first. I never anticipated incorporating the adderal in my diet but its become necessary. When I don't take the adderal, I generally come pretty close to 3500 calories....but when I do take it, I'm lucky to get in 1500 calories on that day.

I'm six weeks in...and I have 20 ml of test left. Is it still beneficial for me to continue even though my diet is going to be subpar? Or should I cut the cycle short...preform pct....and save the 20ml for another time that will suit me better?

Like I said, I feel like I look bigger, am definitely stronger, but the scale don't lie.
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Me too brother!! Running 500mgs Test E a week(2x weekly), 600mgs Test prop a week(3x weekly), and 150mgs Tren Ace a week(3x weekly). Im going for mass to. The test Prop is only being run for the first 4-6 weeks as a kicker, then dropping it to 200mgs a week.

*jaw drops* Good lordy...haha
Abs toned up nice, and ya lookin more vascular. i'm guessing due to the addy your diet seemed like a recomp more then anything? reguardless, improvements were made in 6 weeks, and goodluck for the rest of the 6 weeks !
I'd keep it going now that you're 6 weeks in. You're already shutdown so might as well make the most of it. Keep in mind in order to maintain as much of your gains as possible during pct , you'll have to keep a caloric surplus to combat the low test in your body. I think the next time you cycle maybe try doing it in the summer or just in general when you're not as busy. To help you with calories, try adding in a weight gainer shake. I always found that drinking something was a lot easier because addy would dry up my mouth. Take shakes throughout the day and make sure you get a big breakfast while the addy is still kicking in and a big dinner as it is wearing off. Your diet is what makes cycles extremely effective. I'd even go as far to say that diet is more important than training itself. Find what works for you. It is good that you're making strength gains.
You've got pretty good progress so far Yamaha!! Congrats man. I know the feeling of loss of appetite with adderall. It's difficult to get over it and eat as much as you need to. I wouldn't quit the cycle now as you're in it deep already and shutdown. Even if you gain little mass and weight your strength should still go up somewhat which you can take advantage of later. If possible try vyvance or maybe take a smaller dosage of adderall to try and get some of your appetite back. Another option would be to "dirty" up your diet and/or start eating more calorie sense foods such as PB, olive oil, fast food, etc. not saying to go crazy on the fast food but a simple burger from most chains will get you around 25g of protein and around 4-500 extra calories. Another option would be to take in liquid calories. Make a few high calorie shakes with protein, milk, oats, PB, etc since liquid calories usually aren't as satieiting as whole foods. Good luck brother!
I don't know how you do this. I used to take adderal as well but it would just destroy my gains because of its appetite suppressing properties (not to mention the insomnia). After my first cycle when I got up to 215, then took addy for finals and lost 10 lbs I said never again. So here I am never taking adderall and gains are great in the gym. Is it harder? Yup. Am I happier? Definitely. Good luck!

Dude you may be running to much. I take adderall and have no trouble eating. I usually try 2 get the calories in before I take it. Long release will be less harder on your appetite. I take 15mg twice a day sometimes it varies 10 5 with the quick release. ETC.......