So, since my last posting I took the advice I was given and got my diet and cardio in check. Currently, I'm at 230-235 and around 17% bodyfat I'd guess. Overall, I'd like to be around 225 and low bodyfat, say 8% or less. I've never done a cycle before. At my disposal, I have some test e (10ml, 350mg/ml), some primobolan (20ml, 100 mg/ml), some clen and some t4/t3 blend (80mg/20mg). Also have plenty of nolva, and should have some Adex soon. Currently, I'm just finishing up my third week of clen/benadryll so I'll need a break from that soon.
My diet macros for a rest day are protein: 350g/day Fat: 80 g/day Carbs: 100 g/day. On work days carbs double. Protein is always lean, fats are from good sources, and carbs are almost entirely complex (oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat bread, and veggies only).
I do cardio 5 days a week 40-50 minutes on an empty stomach. I lift every other day, upper body lower body split, DC style currently.
So given all that, and the gear I have available, what is the best course of action? I know that if I use the thyroid gear I'll need to run something to keep my muscle, could I use the primo at say 350mg/week for this? Should I try and lose more and then add the beef or vice-versa? I am having trouble finding a domestic source for HCG...are there any substitutes? Is it totally necessary to keep one's gains? Any help would be appreciated on gear, diet, or workouts. Thanks. BTW I'm 25.
My diet macros for a rest day are protein: 350g/day Fat: 80 g/day Carbs: 100 g/day. On work days carbs double. Protein is always lean, fats are from good sources, and carbs are almost entirely complex (oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat bread, and veggies only).
I do cardio 5 days a week 40-50 minutes on an empty stomach. I lift every other day, upper body lower body split, DC style currently.
So given all that, and the gear I have available, what is the best course of action? I know that if I use the thyroid gear I'll need to run something to keep my muscle, could I use the primo at say 350mg/week for this? Should I try and lose more and then add the beef or vice-versa? I am having trouble finding a domestic source for HCG...are there any substitutes? Is it totally necessary to keep one's gains? Any help would be appreciated on gear, diet, or workouts. Thanks. BTW I'm 25.