Planning next cycle with deca/test/dianabol


New member
I am planning my next cycle as a relatively low/safe dose as I will be 50 next year but want to build lean muscle while avoiding side effects and especially ED so have added proviron and kept the ratio of test to deca quite high.

I am currently 82kg, 1.8M, my diet is naturally quite good and my BF hovers around 20%. I intent to reduce this to under 17% over the next 16 weeks by cardio, dieting and a cycle of clenbuterol 2 weeks on2 weeks off.

I have cycled in the past just finishing a deca/test cycle a few weeks ago and will get blood work done prior to starting to check everything is back to normal before starting my next cycle as follows;

Test E 350mg week 1 - 12
Deca 200mg week 1 – 10
Dianabol 40mg week 1 - 5
Proviron 50mg per day week 1 – 12
Arimidex 0.5mg eod week 1 – 12
Clomid 100/100/50/50 week from week 14
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 from week 14

Can you please critic and help me improve this cycle in preparation for my start.
I am planning my next cycle as a relatively low/safe dose as I will be 50 next year but want to build lean muscle while avoiding side effects and especially ED so have added proviron and kept the ratio of test to deca quite high.

I am currently 82kg, 1.8M, my diet is naturally quite good and my BF hovers around 20%. I intent to reduce this to under 17% over the next 16 weeks by cardio, dieting and a cycle of clenbuterol 2 weeks on2 weeks off.

I have cycled in the past just finishing a deca/test cycle a few weeks ago and will get blood work done prior to starting to check everything is back to normal before starting my next cycle as follows;

Test E 350mg week 1 - 12
Deca 200mg week 1 ***8211; 10
Dianabol 40mg week 1 - 5
Proviron 50mg per day week 1 ***8211; 12
Arimidex 0.5mg eod week 1 ***8211; 12
Clomid 100/100/50/50 week from week 14
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 from week 14

Can you please critic and help me improve this cycle in preparation for my start.

I'm not happy with a lot. For your height you're very light. You are older than most users on this forum however if you're at 20% bf then you don't have too much muscle mass which makes me question your diet.
20% is pretty high....just think, over 15kg of your 80kgs is fat.....

Test - to me that is quite low, I wouldn't use anything less than 500mg.

Deca- Again, 200mg is seen as just a therapeutic dose of deca. Will do fuck all.

Adex @ 0.5, I'd use this if your test was 500mg and deca 200mg. It MAY be right if you really are as fat as you say. Most people underestimate their bf so you may be higher bf and hence more aromatisation into estrogen. Your lab results will help here.
Run your AI up to PCT

Dbol, you were to avoid side effects but get dbol over tbol? Doesn't look right to me. dbol a bit low just like the other doses.

PCT - test E has a half life of 14 days. Starting PCT 2 weeks after last pin means you still have half the exogenous test in your body. No good. Wait 3 weeks.
Can you please clarify;

***8220;Dbol, you were to avoid side effects but get dbol over tbol? Doesn't look right to me. dbol a bit low just like the other doses***8221;

are you suggesting to increase dbol or that dbol will create adverse side effects?

If I increase test to 500mg should I also increase deca and to what level?

With both compounds increased is this not likely to increase sides proportionately?

Thanks for your feed back
dbol has harsher side effects than tbol. This is due to its propensity to aromatise.

I'd go with test e 500mg / deca 400mg
I also find it a waste using deca only for 10 weeks. Deca is an undecanoate esther, it takes a good 6 weeks to reach optimum serum concentration...meaning you only have FOUR weeks of it being good before you stop it. At your age if you're NOT on TRT then longer cycles are going to shut you down and reduce you risks of getting onto this is a hard decision to make.

Test E at 500mg and deca at 400mg is still not THAT much. Unless you're prone to sides you won't be badly off if you keep the adex at 0.5mg EoD,
Ok thanks again for your input, I have done some brief research on the net for tbol (Turinabol) and this looks like a good alternative to dbol considering my concerns of sides. Is tbol used as a kick start same as debol?

I did use dbol with deca on my last cycle but put high sides down to dbol, is it likely that the sides ED in particular were caused by the dbol? In hindsight the ED started at week 4 so this would make sense

Would HCG also be a good addition to this cycle and are my assumptions that proviron correct that it will help increase the efficiency of the cycle while keeping a check on sides?
tbol is generally used as a kickstart, yes.

ED is generally caused by estrogen being higher than normal range. USUALLY due to improper AI management. What was your AI dosage last time whilst taking the dbol as opposed to after - during the same cycle?

HCG is always a good addition.

Proviron I have no experience with and not sure it'll help with sides, rather increase total T values
Proviron won't do anything with regards to estradiol issues, it just prevents estradiol from being naughty with androgen receptors - bringing up free testosterone.

It's all about that AI and PREVENTING estradiol from getting out of hand in the first place. This is especially true with a 19-nor being involved.

Also, if you just got off a cycle, you're going to give your body a break - right? Hopping from cycle to cycle is pretty much guaranteeing you end up on TRT sooner than later. Rule of thumb is time off = time on + PCT.

Onk handled the rest beautifully imo. :)
My last cycle was test 400mg per week for 12 weeks, deca 300mg per week for 10 weeks and dianabol 40mg per day for first 4 weeks as a kick start.

Post therapy is Arimidex 0.5mg eod week 10 to 15 and Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 from week 15. Looking back I should have ran Arimidex from the start and added HCG.

Yes I will be taking total cycle time plus PCT time at least before next cycle, I am taking time to research best plan in advance.

I was thinking keeping dosages of test and deca lower and adding proviron to enhance the effects of the gear while keeping the sides in check.
My last cycle was test 400mg per week for 12 weeks, deca 300mg per week for 10 weeks and dianabol 40mg per day for first 4 weeks as a kick start.

Post therapy is Arimidex 0.5mg eod week 10 to 15 and Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 from week 15. Looking back I should have ran Arimidex from the start and added HCG.

Yes I will be taking total cycle time plus PCT time at least before next cycle, I am taking time to research best plan in advance.

I was thinking keeping dosages of test and deca lower and adding proviron to enhance the effects of the gear while keeping the sides in check.

Honestly, what messed you up last time (I'm assuming that's why you're weary of sides) is that your AI was saved to the end while you were taking the one form of AAS that's pretty much an estradiol bomb.

I'm in agreement with Onk with a proposed cycle of 500mg test with 400mg of deca. 0.5mg of adex from day once should easily keep you out of limp-ville (unless a blood test 4 weeks in shows otherwise), and proviron would complement that nicely.

You could still go with an oral if you want to, but I'd stick with something that either doesn't aromatize much, or not at all. Tbol was a solid suggestion, but then again - I also don't think it's completely necessary either. :)
Ok I will redo my cycle based on this, would Tbol help reduce estradiol or only not add to it? I will repost a revised cycly soon with all advice as received included.

Ok I will redo my cycle based on this, would Tbol help reduce estradiol or only not add to it? I will repost a revised cycly soon with all advice as received included.


Don't look at ANYTHING other than an AI to reduce estradiol. Compounds such as proviron and masteron can assist but you don't ever rely on them. AI usage is the only way.

Feel free to keep this thread active with the updates. We've covered most questions off so you can post your new cycle here and we won't need to retype things if missed :)
Yea replacing the dbol is a great suggestion, and watching your diet will certainly make a huge difference toward reaching that 17%!
Based on the advice I have revised my cycle accordingly. I have kept the deca to 350 as this suites two bottles of 2500mg with a bit of loss in the syringe and also extends the deca to 11 weeks so taking into account the longer action time but also mindful of too long a cycle to assist recovery. At 350mg with 500 test I would assume that effects would not be to severe, am I correct in this assumption?

I will start this cycle in a few months after recovery from my last cycle and will get blood work done and post again before starting.

I am also still considering Tbol as a kick start, if I add this might it be of benefit to the gains/recovery ratio and should I lower the other compounds accordingly.

Test E 500mg week 1 - 13
Deca 350mg week 1 - 11
Proviron 50mg per day week 1 ***8211; 12
Arimidex 0.5mg eod week 1 ***8211; 12
HCG 250iu x 2 per week = 500iu week
Clomid 100/100/50/50 week from week 17
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 from week 17

Thanks again for all of your input
One other question I would like to ask, I was advised to start test and deca doses lower in the first weeks and increase by say 50my per week until reaching target dosage and taper off again at the end of the cycle. Is this a better way of administering the gear or is it better just to keep an even dose throughout.

Thanks again