Planning to start new Cycle. What should i be taking and how much


New member
Hi everyone. I am planning to start my 1st cycle and I like some advise. How much should I be taking. Also for PCT, IA. Appreciate
all the responses.
Start by reading the Sticky Threads in this forum.
Age, height, weight, body fat % and years training? Goals?
I have been reading a lot and I saw that there isn't a standard cycle to start with except for the test E. some say 400mg some 500mg. but, what is the common with everyone for TEST, PCT, IA

am 5f 5" tall, 165W, Bf is 3%, age 44. been training for 4 years planning to gain some mass and get bigger. Thanks
Mega, I have heard a lot of good thins about your program. I am interested really to sign up. I will be joining soon.
My apology. I think I am not calculating my bf right. so let me ask what is the right way to know what my bf. Sorry I am not trying to offend anyone.