please advise on my first cycle


New member
I am 40 years old, 6'1 195 lbs, 14% bf. I've been running a high trt program with test cyp at 300mg /wk for 2 years. Any more test than that gives me zits.

Im considering the following

300mg test cyp /wk
600mg eq /wk
100mg anavar/ ed

My goal is to cut and build a nice beach body. Let me know your thoughts.
First cycle should be test only. You will have to learn how to manage estradiol by using an aromatase inhibitor. Mixing in other compounds on your first blast makes it harder to manage that. Save the stacks for later when you know how to manage high doses of test.

In am actually surprised you don't need an AI on 300mg/week. What is your E2 at?
First cycle should be test only. You will have to learn how to manage estradiol by using an aromatase inhibitor. Mixing in other compounds on your first blast makes it harder to manage that. Save the stacks for later when you know how to manage high doses of test.

In am actually surprised you don't need an AI on 300mg/week. What is your E2 at?

I have been running test for 2 years. Over that time, I have experimented with higher doses of test. I have arimidex and need it when my test is higher than 300. Same with hcg. So I ran all 3 of those but my back exploded with zits. 300 has been a very tolerable dose for me. I just don't get the performance results I got when on higher dose and therefore want to mix in some other stuff. Please advise.

Another question I have (in addition to needing some input on my stack), since eq is half as androgenic as test, will running 300 test and 600 eq give me the sides of 600 test?
The side effects are different from test. Give this profile a read if you have not already.

Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) |

thanks! I read that already, it does say that acne is possible with eq. So still unsure if that will happen. Can you comment on my stack and dosages?
