Please Critique First Cycle


New member
Hey everyone, I'm going to list my first cycle and what I was told to do, I have done so much research but there's so many contradictions, even in the stickies. Anyways, here's my cycle and how I was told to go about it

Every 4 days so monday friday tuesday saturday wednesday sunday and again monday friday etc etc and so on ... 1 injection alternate butt cheeks always remember to change needles and aspirate...
for the dbol take 1 tablet on training days together with your meal ...each meal.. up to about 3-4 tablets per day until you use about 175 of them.... save about 25 dbol tablets to use before pct after your last injection of test ...
after your last shot of test take 4 tablets every day for about 6 days... then proceed to start nolvadex...
for the nolvadex take 1 every day in the morning until they run out ....

Here's the gear- 20/250mg test e vials 200/10mg dbol tabs 20/20mg nolvadex tabs

The test is pharma g Norma and dbol is sciroxx
Twice a week is fine for test E. Dbol is twice a day or more often. 20 big are they? Normally they are 10mL which would last me through a few cycles.

I'm not a PCT guy (TRT) but I've always seen 40/40/20/20 or more for the Nolva and Clomid is missing? I'm not qualified to advise on PCT, just what I seen others running.
Well, money is tight, it's all saved up for tons of food... How much clomid should I need considering I already have nolvadex? Also, I'm not sure if clomid is illegal or not but where could I get it for a reasonable price?
Twice a week is fine for test E. Dbol is twice a day or more often. 20 big are they? Normally they are 10mL which would last me through a few cycles.

I'm not a PCT guy (TRT) but I've always seen 40/40/20/20 or more for the Nolva and Clomid is missing? I'm not qualified to advise on PCT, just what I seen others running.

They are shaped like bullets, or small beer bottles like 1.5in high.
Ahh, okay. Probably 1mL ampules...that makes sense. Use a pen cap to snap them off. I damn near took a finger off with an HCG ampule a while back.

Check out RUI the site sponsor up above and wait for someone who actually does a PCT to chime in. You might look into the HCG as well. It's cheap. Also those stickies are a good read, well worth the time.
Ahh, okay. Probably 1mL ampules...that makes sense. Use a pen cap to snap them off. I damn near took a finger off with an HCG ampule a while back.

Check out RUI the site sponsor up above and wait for someone who actually does a PCT to chime in. You might look into the HCG as well. It's cheap. Also those stickies are a good read, well worth the time.

Yeah mine are weird, I have to use a nail filer then gently pop the top off. Hopefully a pct guru comes in here. Anyways, Thanks for the help, I'll check out the stickies and see what I'm missing.
No offense but I went to the link, read every post on pct and I never got a solid answer on dosing, it just explained that you need both and why you need both.
You could take dbol the last 4 weeks of your cycle. Dbol is more of a kickstart not a finisher. Var would be more suited for a finisher.