Hey everyone, I'm going to list my first cycle and what I was told to do, I have done so much research but there's so many contradictions, even in the stickies. Anyways, here's my cycle and how I was told to go about it
Every 4 days so monday friday tuesday saturday wednesday sunday and again monday friday etc etc and so on ... 1 injection alternate butt cheeks always remember to change needles and aspirate...
for the dbol take 1 tablet on training days together with your meal ...each meal.. up to about 3-4 tablets per day until you use about 175 of them.... save about 25 dbol tablets to use before pct after your last injection of test ...
after your last shot of test take 4 tablets every day for about 6 days... then proceed to start nolvadex...
for the nolvadex take 1 every day in the morning until they run out ....
Here's the gear- 20/250mg test e vials 200/10mg dbol tabs 20/20mg nolvadex tabs
The test is pharma g Norma and dbol is sciroxx
I am no expert but...
i think you need to learn quite a bit more before you start using.
first off i think your test e injection is a little to complicated.
why not just do monday morning and thursday night for you injections?
If this is your first cycle you should not be running Dbol. you dont even know how your body will react to the test. much better to find that out first. then in future cycle's add more compounds on at a time, this way you will learn how your body will react to each.
You didnt say how long you will be running the cycle for? I beleive with test e you want to be around the 10-12 week mark.
6 days after your last test e shot is to soon to be starting your pct. wait 2 week after last injection and then begin your nolvadex.
i can tell you already that you will need more nolvadex for your pct and possibly durring your cycle.
Also you should research the bennifits of using HCG durring your cycle as it will greatly improve youre succses on PCT.
SO what it boils down to my suggestion is this.
Ditch the dbol for now, you wont miss it. save it for a future cycle.
research HCG and get yourself some
choose an Aromatase inhibitor to run during your cycle and get it before you start
get more nolva before you start
research clomid, decide if you want to include it in your PCT
remember to wait 2 weeks after last test injection before you start PCT
Have you researched the possible side effect of steroid use? maybe male pattern baldness runs in your family. then you would need to look into drugs like finesteride.
all in all I think you just need to not jump into this like so many people do.
give yourself atleast another week of studying. make sure you know without a shaddow of a doubt what you are about to do. and then start with full confidence.
I personally dont think anyone should start a cycle if they still have to ask questions about it.