Please critique my first cycle of test


New member
Hello everyone,

I appreciate any input possible for my first cycle. I have been researching for months and want to do this as safe as possible. I have been intensely weight training for a long time and have a a very good diet.

I am planing to do test ethanate and clomid. I have already purchased both. I plan to do a 8 week cycle.

Week 1-8 I will be injecting 1 ml/250 ml of test once a week. I will then take 2 weeks off and then start clomid and gradually go down in the amount.

When injecting I will have one needle for filling the syringe and another for injecting.

I am unsure if I should take Noladex during my cycle and how much. I was thinking 20 a day if I do decide to take it to prevent side effects.

I am highly worried about acne since I already have some.

Please provide some input, It will be greatly appreciated.
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Test should be run 10 to 12 weeks for best gains. Get some adex for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to take during cycle not nolva. Use nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) 40/40/20/20. Best of luck
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id get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) aswell mate dont want little tiny balls plus will help with your recovery