I've decided to do a following cycle: test e 12 weeks (1000mg/week), deca d 2.-11. week (500mg/week)
As you can see I don't use dianabol or any other oral steroid because I have acne and I use accutane 30mg/ed.
I started using accutane abouth a month ago, so I will probably use it for another 4-5 months.
So I guess my questions are: Can I do cycle while I am on accutane?
Can I take nolvadex, clomid while I am on accutane?
Thank you
As you can see I don't use dianabol or any other oral steroid because I have acne and I use accutane 30mg/ed.
I started using accutane abouth a month ago, so I will probably use it for another 4-5 months.
So I guess my questions are: Can I do cycle while I am on accutane?
Can I take nolvadex, clomid while I am on accutane?
Thank you