Please help guys, I'm sorta freaking out

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Hey guys, I shot into my tris for the first time two days ago. The site was unusually swollen and a little sore but not bad the next day. But just tonight the left site had turned pretty red (about 3" in diameter) and is warm to the touch. I'm obviously worried it may be infected. Doc's and anyone else with experience please tell me what you think I should do, go to the ER tonight, wait till the morn and re-evalueate (how ever the fuck you spell that), or do you guys think I"m just overreacting? A Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) user and EMT I IMed about it said to just ice it and take some benadryl, which I guess I'll do until I get some responses. I"m gonna try to post some pics of it, but my gf's digital camera is acting up so it may not work.

BTW it was QV prop, the end of the vial and I have not had any problems with any of the other sites I injected into.
After a shot every now and then my armd gets red and sore to the touch. I personally have just let it slide and it goes away in a day or two.
doesnt look too bad.....i would say wait until tomorrow.......could be bruised.....but on the other hand i dont know too much about this kind of shit so dont take my word i wish i can help more
you will be fine. you have just stuck a sharp object in to your skin. this the bodies way of saying ouch. 2 days it will be completly gone bro~
Nutri-Wrestler said:
it should be fine. re-evaluate tomorrow. i would say roatte ice and heat and take some benadryl and some xanax for anxiety :D

thanks ya homo, but I have better anxiety meds :D
ah, that shit happens to me all the time. Qv prop is kinda rough cause of its high concentration. It will pass in a few days.
yo i injected in my thigh yesterday mornin and all day, all night and today my entire thigh hurts bad man im limping and it makes it toufgh to get out of chairs, it is also a little swollen, is this normal for a guy with really shaky hands
GOON said:
yo i injected in my thigh yesterday mornin and all day, all night and today my entire thigh hurts bad man im limping and it makes it toufgh to get out of chairs, it is also a little swollen, is this normal for a guy with really shaky hands

did u inject right in the middle or on the outer quad like shown on

its normal for it to hurt, quad injections kill me. the soreness usually lasts for about a couple of weeks
outer, i went to spot injections for info, i guess it is good to no that im not the only one who gets the pain i was kinda worried
How many cc's did u shoot? I shot 2cc's of oil in my tri once and swolled pretty bad like you're describing. Went away after a few days. Once cc in the tri no problem. Shot 2cc's in the other tri and same swelling and red. I wouldn't worry if u shot 2cc's.
I had an irritated arm with some underground gear once, lasted about a week, was warm to the touch yada yada - also made it hard to walk if I had it in the quad. So I just take that to be high BA but I didn't get infected to the point of losing an arm or anything, I just remembered to either lower dose or never shoot into small or problematic parts again, stick to the rear if you can or lower dose and spread it out.

My situation was 400mg/ml cyp.