Please help guys, I'm sorta freaking out

DocBanner, you're just a big pussy. :) when I saw that shit you were injecting I thought it was liquid shit in a vile.....I mean it was D-A-R-K. Until we added the other ingredients and filtered it. Oh well, just quit complaining about it and move on.....faggot. ;)

j/k bro.....hey, when you get back in town, give me a call and we can go train.
that happened to me about a year ago...

i thought i had an infection or abcese...but after like 5 or 6 days it went away...needless to say that was the last time i shot in my tricep.
since my first shot in my leg on monday my leg is 100% better, i shot in my sholder thursday and it is just a little sore but not nearly as bad as my leg was.