Please help, need advice


New member
i am 5'11 210 pounds 14% bf and 21 years old, i am on a test cycle 500 mgs a week. i pin mondays and thursdays. I started on a thursday so today was my first pin of week 7. i also started my cycle with a 5 week run of epistrong. In week 5 i started developing sensative nipples and upped my dosage of forma-stanzol. but now that i am in week 7 starting two days ago the sensativity has gone away but i have grown small lumps under my nipples and they have began to become puffy especially when hard. (areola and nipple) i have clomid and letro is on its way. should i stop cycle now and try to stomp out the gyno with pct and letro or continue on?
also i been training hard for years now, try to eat as clean as possible usually im pretty good but always been on the thicker side so getting down to 14 just recently. i have done a few oral cycles before have never had a problem.
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Don't stop, once the letro arrives follow this procedure.
2.5 mg letro for 10-14 days until your sensitivity is gone. It takes letro about a week to feel it working.
From there, do 1/2 of that ed to the end of your cycle.

Reasoning here is if you shrink the lump on cycle your joints will suffer, you'll not be able to lift hard and the cycle will go to shit. Shrink them after the cycle.

So once you hit post cycle therapy (pct), or a few days before up the letro back to 2.5mg ed and do that until the lumps are gone, likely 4 weeks. You will have to taper off the letro or you will get estrogen rebound so something like:
1/2 ed for 4-5 days, 1/3 ed for 3-4 days, 1/2 every other day for 3-4 days, 1/3 every other day for 3-4 days then I'll take 25mg aromasin for 4 days, then 12.5 aromasin 4 days, then I'm off.

The letro will shrink the lumps, the issues are on or off cycle, and then the eestrogen rebound. Good luck bud
i appreciate the feedback. what do you think because the lumps are fairly new and i will hopefully have the letro here tomorrow that i might be able to completely get rid of them? left is worse then right btw. And its definetly making me paranoid constantly checking and questioning... oh how big are they now,, did it get bigger,, are the lumps smaller,,,am i more puffy then before. now that i know im gyno prone or wasnt using a enough Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should i not run any more cycles or just be stronger with my ai?
determined36, you want to post this kind of question in the main forum "Anabolic Steroid Forum". You'll get more answers there. I'm sorry I don't have experience with gyno, so I cannot help you.