PLEASE HELP No libido for over a month now :(


New member
Hi first ill start with the cycle it was my first cycle and please let me know if anything stands out that might be the reason my sex drive is messed up now,

I did 14 weeks of sust250 the first 4 weeks I was doing 800mg a week then I slowed down to 500mg an then went back to 800mg for the last 3 weeks.

1-6 weeks I was doing anavar at 80mg

I had adex on hand but I only used it for the last 4 weeks

I started using HCG from week 6 - 14 at 500 ui a week and then 2 weeks after increased to 750 ui a week.
I ran out of HCG 1 week before starting pct

My last shot was on new years day and I started PCT 3 weeks after on Jan 21st. (but only did hcg up to jan 16)

I started PCT with 100 clomid 40 nolva for 1st week then dropped down to 50 and 20 and now its been exactly 4 weeks of my PCT

during my PCT and even now I dropped from having sex 3 times a day to zero sex drive its the very last thing on my mind, I can get it up but it wont last too long I would stop thinking about cumming half way through and just not orgasm and lose my boner, for example last night I took some dick pills as recommended by a friend and even tho it got me hard I had very hard time reaching an orgasm I guess i simply wasnt thinking about cumming I had to finish off jurking off super fast for 10mins to reach.

is this normal ?
I read that most guys are ok and still have sex and can have orgasms if the cycle was done properly and I thought I did everything right and timed it good, where did I go wrong ?

any advice what to do its been exactly a month since I lost all my libido and I mean its dead zero I hardly even get morning wood anymore and find it very hard to orgasm and cant keep it up for longer than a few minutes and I never in my life had a problem with that, even before starting Test I was jurking off twice a day and sex almost everyday
Get bloodwork

and what would that do ? I am already sure my test levels are low my last pin was a month and 21 days ago and sust250 stays in you for 3-4 weeks
and Jan 21ish is when I noticed my sex drive was gone which is 3 weeks after my last pin, so its been a month since no test been in my system and also zero sex drive, I just wanna know if I just need to wait and everything is gonna be ok as its been already a month that ive been suffering even tho I take clomid and nolva for past 4 weeks nothing changed.
megatron means, once you get your blood work done post it here and we will look at it and we can help you more clearly knowing what the problem is.
and what would that do ? I am already sure my test levels are low my last pin was a month and 21 days ago and sust250 stays in you for 3-4 weeks
and Jan 21ish is when I noticed my sex drive was gone which is 3 weeks after my last pin, so its been a month since no test been in my system and also zero sex drive, I just wanna know if I just need to wait and everything is gonna be ok as its been already a month that ive been suffering even tho I take clomid and nolva for past 4 weeks nothing changed.

It will tell us what is going on with your body and hormones. Especially if we can compare it to your pre-cycle baseline blood work. For example, if your TT is much lower and your LH and FSH are changed it may provide insight into what is ailing you.
megatron means, once you get your blood work done post it here and we will look at it and we can help you more clearly knowing what the problem is.

what do I tell the doctor exactly taht I want blood work done to see where my test levels are at because lately I had zero sex drive ?
and what I do then when I see the results ? aside from waiting it out waht can I do to speed up the process ?

I just ordered some HCgenerate will that even help ?
Go get bloodwork done! That would speed up the process! Or u can just sit there and wait for something different to happen. Come on man, go get it done already.
It will tell us what is going on with your body and hormones. Especially if we can compare it to your pre-cycle baseline blood work. For example, if your TT is much lower and your LH and FSH are changed it may provide insight into what is ailing you.

ok I get it but say what you said is true and my TT is lower than LH whatever that means can something even be done aside from waiting it out, is there something I can take to put me back to normal ?
Where do you live? USA/state, etc

Getting bloodwork done first off, will show if it's even a hormonal problem. We will see where your testosterone is at, your estrogen, etc. We can work from there, everything from here on out is speculation until you get blood work. You NEED blood work, especially because something is wrong. No point in get "swol" and "jacked" if your going to be depressed with no libido and will probably lose it anyways.

It will never be as simple as taking something to get you back to normal. Get blood work and post it up. We can help you from there.

How was your libido before and during the cycle?
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ok I get it but say what you said is true and my TT is lower than LH whatever that means can something even be done aside from waiting it out, is there something I can take to put me back to normal ?

Of course something can be done depending on what your issue is.

Where do you live? If in the US there are ways of getting blood work labs done without going to your doctor.

You really need to have a more open mind. Don't just assume things can't be done. And it would help if you did more homework. Cycling and not understanding the HPTA (e.g. how LH and FSH work) is irresponsible.

How old are you by the way?
Took me a few months to feel dandy again. Never really came back as good as I was beforehand. Everyones different. Get bloodwork.
my libido was amazing during the cycle . sex 3 times a day and jurking off every chance I get for 3 months during the cycle

even before i started the cycle I was like that, I been a pornstar all my life and now I have a useless dick or If I use dick pills it might fix that but I cant orgasm or with very hard work.

im 28

and I am in Canada

Where do you live? USA/state, etc

Getting bloodwork done first off, will show if it's even a hormonal problem. We will see where your testosterone is at, your estrogen, etc. We can work from there, everything from here on out is speculation until you get blood work. You NEED blood work, especially because something is wrong. No point in get "swol" and "jacked" if your going to be depressed with no libido and will probably lose it anyways.

It will never be as simple as taking something to get you back to normal. Get blood work and post it up. We can help you from there.

How was your libido before and during the cycle?
my libido was amazing during the cycle . sex 3 times a day and jurking off every chance I get for 3 months during the cycle

even before i started the cycle I was like that, I been a pornstar all my life and now I have a useless dick or If I use dick pills it might fix that but I cant orgasm or with very hard work.

im 28

and I am in Canada

Make sure to get eatradiol and prolactin checked also.
Okay, use the search bar and look up where to get blood work in canada or start a new thread. Like megatron mentioned, check estradiol and prolactin. Prolactin is the hormone that makes it so you can't get hard immediately after sex. It is very important to keep an eye on if you are having problems.