Please help, trying to cut but getting fatter


New member
hey guys, i'm trying to build a new diet here, cuz the one i'm on isn't working. i'd like to say though that i'm not preparing for a contest, so i don't want to do any type of crash dieting or anything, i want a diet that i can stay lean and hard all year long, basically just looking to maintain current strength/mass, just lose fat. here is what i came up with.

Meal #1 - 2 scoops egg/casein protein, 1 tablespoon Flax oil, 1 cup low carb milk *Pro-60g/Carb-3g/Fat-15g

Meal #2 - 6 ounces salmon, 1 serving peanut butter, 3 servings of broccoli *Pro-40g/Carbs-10g/Fat-25g

Meal #3 - 6 ounces chicken breast, 3 servings of broccoli, 1 serving peanut butter *Pro-45g/Carb-10g/Fat-20g

Postworkout Shake - 50g dextrose + 50g whey protein

Meal # 4 - 1 scoop whey protein, 1 serving oats, 6 ounces chicken breast, 1 tablespoon flax seed oil *Pro-60g/Carb-30g/Fat-20g

Meal # 5 - 1 cup egg whites, 3 servings broccoli, 1 serving peanut butter *Pro-40/Carb-7g/Fat-16g

Meal #6 - 1 serving cottage cheese, 1 serving peanut butter*Pro-25g/Carb-10g/Fat-20g

Meal #7 - 2 scoops egg/casein protein, 1 serving peanut butter, 1 tablespoon flax oil *Pro-55g/Carb-7g/Fat-30g

Total Protein = 375g = 1500 Calories
Total Carbs = 130g = 520 Calories
Total Fat = 146g = 1320 Calories

TOTAL CALORIES = ~3350 Calories
and oh yeah, i'm currently 5'9" @ 215 pounds about 10% bodyfat. i'm gonna list how i will eat throughout the week as well hoping that it helps you guys help me better. thanks

Monday - AM cardio + PM workout *Above Diet
Tuesday - AM cardio + PM workout *Above Diet
Wednesday - Completely off *planned on using this as a carb up day, so i would add carbs into meals 1-4, and cut out the postworkout shake
Thursday - AM cardio + PM workout *Above Diet
Friday - AM cardio + PM workout *Above Diet
Saturday - Completely off *planned on using this as a carb up day, so i would add carbs into meals 1-4, and cut out the postworkout shake
Sunday - Completely off *today i would just eat proteins and fats, and try to keep carbs under 50g
The calories seem a bit high for someone your size who is trying to cut down, and I also see a lot more fat than you probably need in each meal. Try lowering the calories a bit and see what happens doing the same ammount of cardio and lifting.

Good luck
Dont mix carbs and protein sources in the same meals. Keep your carbs to the early part of your day and add your flax oil/ pb to later meals
i have been hiting a cutting diet that is working VERY well thus far... 2300kcals only 75g or lower in fat, about 180carbs and 300g protein. cardio for 30 mins at 70% only on non lifting days (3days a week).
90% of my carbs come from PWO and PPWO. only carbs in the morning come from plain oatmeal mixed with whey.
i'm 5'7" 178lbs about 11%bf.
are you eating natural peanut butter .....if your eating the shit you get off the shelf its loaded with sugar and oil on 180g carbs 300g of protein and very lo fat
i eat just one spoon of peanut butter a day...start mixing your shakes with water
lo fat milk is still high in sugar.....your diet seems pretty clean but id start to have a look at your sugars its so easy to miss when your just concentrating on pro carbs and fat.....good luck ohh and cut dairy completely..........its just cowpus after all
Kcals are to high -

Also i don't like your diet Macros - personally

I'd be more like

325g Protein
275g Carbs (this can be adjusted up and down)
50 - 60g Fat