Please look at my diet to improve it please


New member
Hi Guys/gals

Would like you to look over my diet as not sure if you think i should be bulking or cutting due to body stats that are posted below.

At moment on cycle with Test cyp@ 400mg week 4 but treating for a gyno problem that i had years ago with letro so my dilema is

Stay on cycle and keep bulking

come off cycle and cut some fat down

My stats are
WEIGHT 205.2
BMI 31.1

Below is a graph off what was eaten yesterday so it gives you a good idea off what can be tweaked, id like to get the BMI down to below 20 if possible.

(Breakfast 7am)
Quaker Oats - Oat So Simple Apple & Blueberry Porridge, 2 sachet with 180ml Semi Skimmed Milk 432 65g 11g 18g 0mg 200mg 31g 5g

(Mid morning 9.30am)
Usn - Pure Protein Shake, 56 g 203 2g 3g 40g 0mg 437mg 1g 2g
Generic - Omelette-2 Whites & 1 Whole Egg, 2 omelette 216 0g 10g 26g 424mg 340mg 0g 0g

(Dinner 12pm)
Birds Eye - Field Fresh Super Sunshine Mix-Peas,Carrots,Sweetcorn, 1 bag 75 11g 1g 3g 0mg 0mg 6g 5g
Daucy - New Potatoes, 200 g 113 25g 0g 0g 0mg 260mg 1g 4g
L A Diner American Style - Sliced Cooked Chicken Breast, 200 g 208 0g 2g 50g 0mg 1mg 0g 1g

(Late afternoon 2.30pm)
Usn - Pure Protein Shake, 56 g 203 2g 3g 40g 0mg 437mg 1g 2g

(Tea 7.30pm)
Farmfoods - Mixed Vegetables, 200 g 104 17g 5g 6g 0mg 0mg 6g 5g
Morrisons M Saver - Sliced Beef In Gravy, 1 pack (210g) 150 8g 6g 16g 0mg 700mg 2g 1g
Smash - Instant Mashed Potato, 30 g + boiling water 102 21g 0g 3g 0mg 140mg 1g 2g

(Supper 10.30)
Usn - Pure Protein Shake, 56 g 203 2g 3g 40g 0mg 437mg 1g 2g
Bachelors - Chicken and Mushroom Pasta Deli Box, 1 box 277 49g 3g 12g 0mg 430mg 2g 4g

TOTAL: 2,286 202g 47g 254g 424mg 3,382mg 52g 33g
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Cholest Sodium Sugars Fiber

Gym is at 5.30pm on a mon/tues and thurs/friday

Get off the cycle, your diet is woeful. I'm gonna be blunt here, you shouldn't be taking AAS. At a weight of 205 you should be eating at least 3500-4000 cals to bulk.

You will never get to under 20 BMI on a Test Cycle, it's used for size and strength not dropping weight.

Stop the cycle, do lots more research and ask LOTS more questions before you even consider taking steroids again.

Sorry to be harsh but your gonna hurt yourself if you keep going.
^^^^^ speaks the truth..I ended my cycle when i learned my bf was too high...sides are a bitch esp with you having prev gyno issues...
You will get more out of protien packed in food
than those 3 shakes a day.
are u trying to gain weight?? at 2k calories
that's going to be hard!
At a bodyweight of 205, depending on BF ( But with a BMI of 30 + it will be high ) he will need around 3200-3300 cals a day to start growing as his maintenance will be around 2700-2800.

No Point being on Test Enanthate and trying to cut IMO.

Paul, don't take the comments to heart ok, we are all just here to help each other. Just do a lot more research before you continue is all i ask ya. There is a wealth of knowledge on here in these posts :)

Good Luck
Just woundered if you could look over my post for me and see if its ok or if improvement can be made as not sure on what P/C/F % need to be at to lose weight, the only place ive got some fat is on my mid rift (stomach area) everywhere else is ok, hope ive got everything covered that you need, now come off the test cyp and running clean except the letro to combat the gyno.

AGE 44
BMI 31.1
BMR 1778.32m
TDEE 2756.39

Think ive worked the BMR/TDEE out ok as i work in a warehouse so pretty active throughout the day and im at gym.
MondayLegs/abdominals/ cardio 30mins on running machine after training
Tuesday- Chest/triceps
Wednesday- day off
Shoulders/Abs/ cardio 30 mins on running machine after training
Sat/sunday- day off

Below is a graph off what has been eaten yesterday so it gives you a good idea off what can be tweaked, id like to get the BMI down to 15-17as got a bit off belly

Breakfast 7AM Generic - Egg - hard/Soft Boiled, 6 egg 396 8g 22g 43g 948mg 420mg 0g 0g*Quaker Oats - Oat So Simple Apple & Blueberry Porridge, 1 sachet with 180ml Semi Skimmed Milk 216 33g 5g 9g 0mg 100mg 16g 3g*

Mid morning 9.30AM Finest Catch - Salmon Portions, 100 g 279 1g 18g 29g 0mg 0mg 0g 1g*madison ave - egg fried rice, 250 g 367 70g 7g 10g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g

Dinner 12.30PM Morrisons - Peeled New Potatoes In Water, 195 g 108 22g 0g 4g 0mg 0mg 0g 6g*L A Diner American Style - Sliced Cooked Chicken Breast, 200 g 208 0g 2g 50g 0mg 1mg 0g 1g*Birds Eye - Field Fresh Super Sunshine Mix-Peas,Carrots,Sweetcorn, 1 bag 75 11g 1g 3g 0mg 0mg 6g 5g

Late afternoon 3PM- Gym 5pm-7pm
Usn - Pure Protein Shake, 56 g 203 2g 3g 40g 0mg 437mg 1g 2g*Fruit - Bannana - Small - About - 6" or Less, 1 raw 90 23g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 12g 3g

Tea 7.30pm Farmfoods - Mixed Vegetables, 200 g 104 17g 5g 6g 0mg 0mg 6g 5g*Smash - Instant Mashed Potato, 30 g + boiling water 102 21g 0g 3g 0mg 140mg 1g 2g*Finest Catch - White Fish Fillets Alaskan Pollock, 100 g 72 0g 1g 17g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g

Supper 9,30pm Usn - Pure Protein Shake, 56 g 203 2g 3g 40g 0mg 437mg 1g 2g (Changing this to casien soon)Farm Foods - Semi Skimmed Milk, 300 ml 144 15g 5g 10g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g*TOTAL: 2,567 225g 72g 264g 948mg 1,535mg 43g 30g
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Cholest Sodium Sugars Fibe
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