please read 2nd cycle Sustanon (sust) 250/MAYBE Deca 200


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please read 2nd cycle sust 250/MAYBE Deca 200

This would be my 2nd cycle. If you call my first a real cycle. 1st cycle i was in the military and my schedule was really messed up with unexpected training and what not. I used test e 350 / deca bull 300 ....i think it was some stuff from mexico. Anyway it worked well and it seemed the more i ate the bigger i got. The only side effects that i had was a little acne and bad temper from time to time. Also really horny all the time. I did 1.5 cc of the test e 350 for 6-7 weeks and 1cc of the deca bull 300 for 6-7. Yes i know ill be torn apart for this , but i did NO post cycle therapy (pct). This was bc i got out of the military completely moved across the country. ect ect. I was 22 yrs old at the time. Im currently 25 yrs old. i have no issues from my previous cycle, if you would like to call it one. I gained about 25 lbs from that previous cycle. A guy i was in with at the time did the same thing and he had no issues. We were stupid , young and in the military.

Anyway now 25 years old 5 9 and and 160lbs now. Yes i know i should NOT be using Gear but i have some and im going to use some anyway. I have 2 10 ml vials of sustanon 250 , i want to take 500 mg of sustanon a week, with 2 injections per week. And this time after doing lots of research and realizing how stupid i was, going to take a post cycle therapy (pct) 7 days after last injections.

However i have a 10 ml vial of deca 200
i would really like to use this stuff, but i dont think that i have enough. i could take 400mg per week for 5 weeks somewhere in that cycle , but im pretty sure most would say that would be dumb bc i would not be taking it long enough or that I'm not experienced enough.

Is there anyway i can throw that vial of deca 200 somewhere in the 10 wk cycle of sustanon 250? Should i maybe take 300mg of the deca a week

Feel free to blast me or w/e yall will say , i wont be offended.

Thanks to all
Sust needs to be taken like eod to keep blood levels right. The deca will take a mintue to kick in so it really wouldnt be worth it to just run 5 weeks of the stuff.
Sust needs to be taken like eod to keep blood levels right. The deca will take a mintue to kick in so it really wouldnt be worth it to just run 5 weeks of the stuff.

Sust is a mix of 4 ypes of Test
1 milliliter of Sustanon 250 Contains:
30 mgs Testosterone Propionate
60mgs testosterone Phenylpropionate
60mgs testosterone Isocaproate
100mgs testosterone Decanoate -100 mg

You should shoot it like you would with any long ester. twice a week to keeps blood levels at par.
Now for deca i would say you have a 10ml vial you could could get 8 weeks at rate of roughly 300mg per week. Deca only needs o be administred once a week and it is recommended to run test cycle longer than Deca.
SO i hink you should be ok
Sust should be injected EOD as stated, not twice a week. Yes, it is a mixture of esters and it included shorter esters like prop in it. Injecting twice a week will not give you nearly as much benefit from the prop and it will cause spikes in blood levels. 8 weeks of deca is no good. Should be run at least 12 weeks.
160 lbs? After having already completed a cycle? You don't need gear, you need to make a grocery list. Eat and train. Eat more and train. Eat even more and train.
that was 3 years ago , i was up to im back down to about 160lbs. But yes your right i need to eat and train. i lost that weight gradually over the course of about 3 years