Please recommend "must read" chemistry books

I'm not sure about books or online journals that you can refer to, but this board is a great place to start. If you have any through the threads and more than likely someone else has asked the same question you have...and they got a thorough answer, which will also answer your questions.

If you are like me you have a lot of questions...just be patient and the information will come to you with time. This is certainly an art to be mastered over time.

Good luck bro,
I must agree with pullinbig. I have a degree in Molecular Biology, so I had my fair share of chemistry classes, and 99% of what you learn there is completely useless for this application.

The 1% that has some applicability can be summarized as follows: (1) long esters will dissolve more easily than short esters, and (2) heating the finished product to the temperature required for sterilization won't screw up the molecule. There -- I just saved you 6 semesters of chemistry. :)
xtinct: molecular biology.... cool
I buddyied you ..ya gonna hear from me again
I'm in medical research
etc... but my favorite is histology.

rjx : forget books just read here and ask.
i did all the chemistry in college and i still don't get it ??