Dear fellow members,
i wanted to take the time to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to this site, its members, and all of the individuals that have already contacted me, put their trust in me, and come on board as hrt/trt clients of mine. I have been associated with this site for roughly one month now and in an amazingly short period of time i have been contacted by 73 of our members, and have now had the pleasure to have 38 of you come on board with me to allow me the pleasure of overseeing your hrt/trt needs. That is absolutely incredible and i only see it getting better from here! Hopefully everyone that has been working with me or that has recently began working with me will say the same thing..... "that chip truly cares about my wellbeing". Because it is the truth, guys. A person cannot ever truly understand the "dark side" of low testosterone or poor therapy until they have truly lived it, as i have. For my new clients that are getting almose immediate results..... Fantastic!!!!! For those of you that may be seeing things happen a bit slower..... Hang in there!!!!!! Rome wasn't built in a day and your test didn't drop overnight. Together, we will continue this journey toward the healthier more fit life that has been eluding you. You just need to's not you!!!! It is very easy to allow ourselves and our lives in their entirety to be taken over and negatively affected by something that we cant even see!!! Low testosterone!!! This stuff is the oil that protects our engines fella's, and as we all know.... If you don't have enough oil in the engine, pretty soon the car is going to break down.... As will our bodies! For anyone that needs to get in contact with me for your hrt/trt needs please feel free to call my cell phone @ (248) 345-8412
to obtain the paperwork necessary to get started, please click my banner or just drop me a line @ spectrumhrt@aol
i will always respond to you the same day and get you what you need to get started immediately. Thank you all, again, so much for the support and the pleasure that i have had with all of you that i have worked with thus far.
i wanted to take the time to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to this site, its members, and all of the individuals that have already contacted me, put their trust in me, and come on board as hrt/trt clients of mine. I have been associated with this site for roughly one month now and in an amazingly short period of time i have been contacted by 73 of our members, and have now had the pleasure to have 38 of you come on board with me to allow me the pleasure of overseeing your hrt/trt needs. That is absolutely incredible and i only see it getting better from here! Hopefully everyone that has been working with me or that has recently began working with me will say the same thing..... "that chip truly cares about my wellbeing". Because it is the truth, guys. A person cannot ever truly understand the "dark side" of low testosterone or poor therapy until they have truly lived it, as i have. For my new clients that are getting almose immediate results..... Fantastic!!!!! For those of you that may be seeing things happen a bit slower..... Hang in there!!!!!! Rome wasn't built in a day and your test didn't drop overnight. Together, we will continue this journey toward the healthier more fit life that has been eluding you. You just need to's not you!!!! It is very easy to allow ourselves and our lives in their entirety to be taken over and negatively affected by something that we cant even see!!! Low testosterone!!! This stuff is the oil that protects our engines fella's, and as we all know.... If you don't have enough oil in the engine, pretty soon the car is going to break down.... As will our bodies! For anyone that needs to get in contact with me for your hrt/trt needs please feel free to call my cell phone @ (248) 345-8412
to obtain the paperwork necessary to get started, please click my banner or just drop me a line @ spectrumhrt@aol
i will always respond to you the same day and get you what you need to get started immediately. Thank you all, again, so much for the support and the pleasure that i have had with all of you that i have worked with thus far.