Pleasure to introduce my self


New member
Hello everyone

Adam here... I am new to this site and this is my first post. My height is 5.9" and weight is 76kgs, I join this community to get some knowledge about how togym workouts and also also about the steriods and supplements... I think I will get good knowledge from here and it will be a good time with you.. Thanks

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welcome Adam,
are you french canadian ?

you're in excellent shape, i hope you will teach us something
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Whenever I see funny lingo and grammar I start paying attention. And it doesn't fit that he wants to learn and is that huge. And he hasn't replied in 4 months. hmmm.
I take my hat off to who ever is in the photo - theyve worked hard to get themselves there. The do not look like they're 5'9 and 76kg though?
Oh yes. I am not saying anything bad about the photo quads are sick. I just don't think the person writing is the person in the photo.
sorry i am 5 foot 9 and at my best i was 169 so with his size im calling bull shit. he is more like 180lb plus then ill believe it