PLS ADVISE - tren ace & testE


New member
Hello, I am going to be commencing my first cycle soon and I would love to get a few questions answered and any advice with AAS would be great to. So with no further ado here are my stats and following is the cycle I'd like to do.

Age: 29
Weight: 178lbs
BF: 9.5%
Heigh: 6ft

Weeks 1-10
Tren ace 150mg injecting eod

Weeks 1-12
TestE 600mg a week(injecting 300mg on tuesday & 300mg on saturday)

Weeks 1-14
AI Arimidex 0.25 EOD

Weeks 14-18(PCT)
clomid 100/50/50/50

The general consensus I've used when designing this cycle was "go hard and don't be afraid to up the dosage." The reason being I've been told by so many who have experience with aas that "you will never get as much out of any cycle as your first."

My questions are:

1. Should I decrease test to lower than the tren dosage? (eg 150mg tren eod & 400mg testE per week-or possibly even lower)
2. Should I incorporate HCG into this cycle or is it not particularly necessary?
3. My goal is to put on a lot of mass and increase strength. From experience do you believe that the above cycle is best suited to achieve this- OR should I redesign a cycle which would be similiar to this however sub out the tren for dbol?

Thank you, all advice and opinions is greatly appreciated.
Don't go with tren for your first don't need to run something that harsh right away, you will see good results from just test alone. If you really want to add something go with dbol. That tren dose is way too high for your first go with tren, let alone a first cycle. You're also missing prolactin antagonizers which will be needed for the tren.
do think the 600mg of test is high especially when coupled with the tren. smaller doses have always worked well for me though
do think the 600mg of test is high especially when coupled with the tren. smaller doses have always worked well for me though
yeah I do think it is high, that is why I questioned about it. The reason I made it high was because I want to get an anabolic effect from it, rather than just using it because you "have" to when you take tren(because the tren suppresses natural test production). I feel that since it is my first cycle I should crank up the test and get big results from it because I haven't been near a prohormone yet. However I am considering lowering it just because I have heard and read a lot of successful tren users injecting test at a lower dosage per week than the tren. Not quite sure the reason behind this yet.
I agree with the comments above.

The reason why you *might* "never get as much out of any cycle as your first" is not that your body gets desensitized to steroids. Please don't buy into the "fresh receptors" myth, its bullshit. Your body is constantly producing more androgen receptors. The reason you *might* never get as much out of later cycles is that generally when you do your first cycle, you're well below your genetic potential for muscular development. Once you begin using steroids, you tend to reach the point you could reach without steroids relatively quickly, and you can even go beyond that point. Once that happens, it is harder and harder to develop more, takes higher doses, better dieting, more disciplined training, etc.

While I tend to be more aggressive than a lot of people, I see no good reason that a first cycle needs to be more than simply 500 or 600 mgs. per week of injectable testosterone such as test enanthate. Test is very strong stuff and provides both androgenic and anabolic effects.

I strongly recommend NOT using trenbolone on a first cycle. It is a VERY strong androgen and tends to have profound effects on your moods. I've used a lot of it in the past but I've sworn it off because of the mood swings. You can still get plenty of these unpleasant effects with test alone, and mixing in trenbolone on your first cycle is like learning to swim by jumping into the deep end of the pool and praying that everything turns out ok.

I won't say it is absolutely essential, but I do recommend using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle. I inject 250 ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2-3 times per week.

Again, there are good reasons why most bros recommend test only for your first cycle. If you can't talk yourself out of stacking the first time then dbol would be a better choice. You will likely gain more mass with dbol vs. trenbolone, and the side effects on your moods are likely to be much less severe.
Id say 600mg of test e for your first cycle is a better choice. Let yourself see how you react to that first before you add another (harsher) compound to your cycle. You will get good gains off of just test. Then if your feel ready for another compound add the tren to your next cycle. Id even say try d-bol before tren.