New member
Hello, I am going to be commencing my first cycle soon and I would love to get a few questions answered and any advice with AAS would be great to. So with no further ado here are my stats and following is the cycle I'd like to do.
Age: 29
Weight: 178lbs
BF: 9.5%
Heigh: 6ft
Weeks 1-10
Tren ace 150mg injecting eod
Weeks 1-12
TestE 600mg a week(injecting 300mg on tuesday & 300mg on saturday)
Weeks 1-14
AI Arimidex 0.25 EOD
Weeks 14-18(PCT)
clomid 100/50/50/50
The general consensus I've used when designing this cycle was "go hard and don't be afraid to up the dosage." The reason being I've been told by so many who have experience with aas that "you will never get as much out of any cycle as your first."
My questions are:
1. Should I decrease test to lower than the tren dosage? (eg 150mg tren eod & 400mg testE per week-or possibly even lower)
2. Should I incorporate HCG into this cycle or is it not particularly necessary?
3. My goal is to put on a lot of mass and increase strength. From experience do you believe that the above cycle is best suited to achieve this- OR should I redesign a cycle which would be similiar to this however sub out the tren for dbol?
Thank you, all advice and opinions is greatly appreciated.
Age: 29
Weight: 178lbs
BF: 9.5%
Heigh: 6ft
Weeks 1-10
Tren ace 150mg injecting eod
Weeks 1-12
TestE 600mg a week(injecting 300mg on tuesday & 300mg on saturday)
Weeks 1-14
AI Arimidex 0.25 EOD
Weeks 14-18(PCT)
clomid 100/50/50/50
The general consensus I've used when designing this cycle was "go hard and don't be afraid to up the dosage." The reason being I've been told by so many who have experience with aas that "you will never get as much out of any cycle as your first."
My questions are:
1. Should I decrease test to lower than the tren dosage? (eg 150mg tren eod & 400mg testE per week-or possibly even lower)
2. Should I incorporate HCG into this cycle or is it not particularly necessary?
3. My goal is to put on a lot of mass and increase strength. From experience do you believe that the above cycle is best suited to achieve this- OR should I redesign a cycle which would be similiar to this however sub out the tren for dbol?
Thank you, all advice and opinions is greatly appreciated.