Pls help. Tren ace plus test prop cycle. 3rd cycle.


New member
So ive done alot of reading and low test high tren seems to be the way to go as the test is there only to maintain normal body functions while the tren does all the work, with less sides!

Im at this stage
50mg tren ace ed
25mg test prop ed

So that is 350 tren ace and 175 test prop per week..

Sound decent?

Obv prami, liquidex during cycle with hcg clomid and nolva for pct as usual.

If anyone has any thoughts on this please let me know :)
Oh ill run the tren for 8-10 weeks and the test for 2 weeks longer than the tren ofcourse?

Cheers guys
Sounds good to me. 350mg tren ace a week is perfect, go higher and you'll get more sides but no gains. I know because I went up to 700mg a week (100mg ed)
So ive done alot of reading and low test high tren seems to be the way to go as the test is there only to maintain normal body functions while the tren does all the work, with less sides!

Im at this stage
50mg tren ace ed
25mg test prop ed

So that is 350 tren ace and 175 test prop per week..

Sound decent?

Obv prami, liquidex during cycle with hcg clomid and nolva for pct as usual.

If anyone has any thoughts on this please let me know :)
Oh ill run the tren for 8-10 weeks and the test for 2 weeks longer than the tren ofcourse?

Cheers guys

Test dosing may be a little low but ultimately its your call. I'm doing a test p/tren a cycle now. I'm currently on week 2 and so far so good. I'm running 400 test/wk 450 tren per week. No bad sides yet. Pip from prop sucks a little. Here you go this might give you an idea of what to expect.
HCG is for "ON" cycle, not post cycle therapy (pct). You don't have to run the Test P two weeks longer than the Tren A. They're both short esters so they will clear your system fast, so just end the cycle with them together. Everything else looks good...
HCG is for "ON" cycle, not post cycle therapy (pct). You don't have to run the Test P two weeks longer than the Tren A. They're both short esters so they will clear your system fast, so just end the cycle with them together. Everything else looks good...
Yeah I didn't see the reason for running the Test Prop for another 2 weeks either.. especially at that low of a dose.
i know this is a very old thread but i never got around to doing this cycle and i am now considering doing:

test prop 25mg ed
tren ace 50-75mg ed
mast prop 50-75 ed

does that sound like a decent dosage? should i leave tren and mast at 50 or go to 75? thanks.
Currently on week 5 of this same cycle. OP 100mg Tren Ace EOD, 75mg Test P EOD...sides are all but nonexistent (knock on wood). I have night sweats about every other night, but other than that, everything is going splendidly. Noticing changes from week to week. They say week 6 is where shit really starts to move. I'm also working a recomp with 3J and optimizing my cycle, which I definitely recommend. Why spend the money on gear if your diet is shit, ya know?