possible permanent side effects of tren


1.5 years ago i did a 5 week cycle of tren E + test E. i took 500mg of each. i cut it short due to the anger from tren and the bloating from it in my face, especially since i was dieting and doing cardio like crazy despite being on 1mg adex ed. ive come to the conclusion it was tren causing this in another way other than estrogen (progesterone or prolactin, still not sure).

anyway, i STILL have that bloat in my face from it (under my chin, jawline) it doesnt seem to go away. I ordered yohimburn DF for my face, i always eat clean. also around week 3 when the tren e hit me, i noticed my orgasms didnt feel as good and PERMANENTLY stayed this way til this day. I never have the ultimate feeling of how i had it before i took that cycle. i really regret ever touching it (tren ace never gave me problems) and ever touching gear in my life, but thats too late.

i was wondering if taking bromo or dostinex would cure these problems for me from tren, since they must be (proges or prolactin) STILL circulating or trapped in my body somewhere.
most likely ill go with dostinex because i know i wont recover again completely until this prolactin is lowered or something. im in post cycle therapy (pct) right now after a short cycle of 5 weeks of test only.
I had the exact opposite effects with Tren ... my orgasms on Tren were way better than when not running it - out of this world ! That was another thing that was so good about it . What a drug ; lose fat like crazy, hold all your muscle and mind blowing orgasms - and lucky for me, not one bad side from it.

So far the only bad effects from AS stuff I experianced has been from DBOL :
crippling low back pain ( like unable to walk ten feet pain ) along with very dark urine ( blood ? ) and high BP. I might as well have taken rat poison with the effect it had on me.

From Clomid I experianced blurry vision , nothing from Nolva.
Bast said:
So you regret ever taking steroids and still just got of Test?

yup. its like prison for some people. just seems to drag me back in for some strange reason. but im going to stay clean from it for good.

VJ, thats so odd, my orgasms just dont feel as good as they did before i did that tren E. on tren ace, i never seemed to have a problem. i really wish i can get back those mind blowing orgasms.
coming off t3 added some fat to my face and lower stomach. i can still see it even now that im leaner...
does dostinex have a rebound effect? theres seriously some prolactin trapped in my body somewhere that never seems to dissipate. its been 1.5 YEARS off that tren E. i swear it was something different, out of this world.
thyroid imbalance can be triggered by hormone changes (maybe look into that as a possible explaination)... just throwing something out there.
i wonder if 50mg proviron ed would help my situation even though im in post cycle therapy (pct) on clomid? along with some dostinex and l-dex?
permanent lung damage on tren

1.5 years ago i did a 5 week cycle of tren E + test E. i took 500mg of each. i cut it short due to the anger from tren and the bloating from it in my face, especially since i was dieting and doing cardio like crazy despite being on 1mg adex ed. ive come to the conclusion it was tren causing this in another way other than estrogen (progesterone or prolactin, still not sure).

anyway, i STILL have that bloat in my face from it (under my chin, jawline) it doesnt seem to go away. I ordered yohimburn DF for my face, i always eat clean. also around week 3 when the tren e hit me, i noticed my orgasms didnt feel as good and PERMANENTLY stayed this way til this day. I never have the ultimate feeling of how i had it before i took that cycle. i really regret ever touching it (tren ace never gave me problems) and ever touching gear in my life, but thats too late.

i was wondering if taking bromo or dostinex would cure these problems for me from tren, since they must be (proges or prolactin) STILL circulating or trapped in my body somewhere.

Hi there

I know this post is from 9 years ago but couldn't find my answer in any other forum.I am wondering whether you have recovered from the tren or not? do you still suffer the side effect on your face?
I injected tren 1.5 year ago and since then I have shortness of breath and there is no cure for that. I have seen 3 dfferent specialists and none could offer me anything to completely cure it. Tren is such dangerous drug and should be avoided :(((
Post is 9 yrs old. I dont think you will get a reply.

Are you sure it was the tren you did?? Alot of thing can cause shortness of breath, how did you conclude it was definte the tren?
Hi there

I know this post is from 9 years ago but couldn't find my answer in any other forum.I am wondering whether you have recovered from the tren or not? do you still suffer the side effect on your face?
I injected tren 1.5 year ago and since then I have shortness of breath and there is no cure for that. I have seen 3 dfferent specialists and none could offer me anything to completely cure it. Tren is such dangerous drug and should be avoided :(((

Get your hematocrit / RBC blood work checked.. It may be on the high side. Last time mine got high from running another 19nor, deca.. Shortness of breath was a symptom that lead my doc to check RBC
Post is 9 yrs old. I dont think you will get a reply.

Are you sure it was the tren you did?? Alot of thing can cause shortness of breath, how did you conclude it was definte the tren?

well me and my mate did the injection together and both have same symptoms. i am not 100% sure though..