1.5 years ago i did a 5 week cycle of tren E + test E. i took 500mg of each. i cut it short due to the anger from tren and the bloating from it in my face, especially since i was dieting and doing cardio like crazy despite being on 1mg adex ed. ive come to the conclusion it was tren causing this in another way other than estrogen (progesterone or prolactin, still not sure).
anyway, i STILL have that bloat in my face from it (under my chin, jawline) it doesnt seem to go away. I ordered yohimburn DF for my face, i always eat clean. also around week 3 when the tren e hit me, i noticed my orgasms didnt feel as good and PERMANENTLY stayed this way til this day. I never have the ultimate feeling of how i had it before i took that cycle. i really regret ever touching it (tren ace never gave me problems) and ever touching gear in my life, but thats too late.
i was wondering if taking bromo or dostinex would cure these problems for me from tren, since they must be (proges or prolactin) STILL circulating or trapped in my body somewhere.
anyway, i STILL have that bloat in my face from it (under my chin, jawline) it doesnt seem to go away. I ordered yohimburn DF for my face, i always eat clean. also around week 3 when the tren e hit me, i noticed my orgasms didnt feel as good and PERMANENTLY stayed this way til this day. I never have the ultimate feeling of how i had it before i took that cycle. i really regret ever touching it (tren ace never gave me problems) and ever touching gear in my life, but thats too late.
i was wondering if taking bromo or dostinex would cure these problems for me from tren, since they must be (proges or prolactin) STILL circulating or trapped in my body somewhere.