possible prego while on bc?

alright so update..i feel like this is some sort of soap opera or however its spelled.

all our communication thus far has been through txt's. so she txts me last night and says, "im gonna take a test" and i say, "ok". she calls me right before midnight and says, "i took the test and yea..." i responded, "what do you mean, and yea?" and she said.."yea i am" ..all relaxed, calm, and collected like it's nothing.. im speechless at this point and idk what to say..i say i cant have it and she says, "neither can i. we have 2 options. adoption/abortionn" and im still speechless and im in bed tryin to go to sleep so i just tell her to call me tomorrow (which is today).. so, i wake up and i have a txt from her which came at 3am tellin me she wants to keep it.

wtf is goin on here? i just dont get it and my mind is all over the place at the moment i don't know what to think.

Or shes lying, make that bitch piss on the strip in front of you or take her to a doctor to get a blood test before you flip.
I have known mutiple girls that have lied for so many reasons, like to keep the guy around, or collect the abortion money. Its fucked up but it happens.
Also, if you do what this douche says (jj) its actually a criminal offense.
Just make she she is actually pregnant and not just wanting attention from you.
Or shes lying, make that bitch piss on the strip in front of you or take her to a doctor to get a blood test before you flip.
I have known mutiple girls that have lied for so many reasons, like to keep the guy around, or collect the abortion money. Its fucked up but it happens.
Also, if you do what this douche says (jj) its actually a criminal offense.
Just make she she is actually pregnant and not just wanting attention from you.

thanks. she's not close to me so i cant just take her with me to get a test or whatever. i can only go by what she says. im gonna talk to her later today and tell her to go to a doc asap and i want some sort of proof. i've caught her in a couple lies before but nothing like this, but about past relationships and just stupid things in general. i sure hope this is some sort of joke and if it is, im gonna flip...the thing that gets me is that she was all calm about it like it was nothing. i mean, wouldnt she be shocked or somethin? i mean she's still in fricken college (about to graduate, but still..)

jj- ur too funny man..love the humor i know ur just messin
thanks. she's not close to me so i cant just take her with me to get a test or whatever. i can only go by what she says. im gonna talk to her later today and tell her to go to a doc asap and i want some sort of proof. i've caught her in a couple lies before but nothing like this, but about past relationships and just stupid things in general. i sure hope this is some sort of joke and if it is, im gonna flip...the thing that gets me is that she was all calm about it like it was nothing. i mean, wouldnt she be shocked or somethin? i mean she's still in fricken college (about to graduate, but still..)

jj- ur too funny man..love the humor i know ur just messin

Just tell her you want to make sure that her and the baby are okay ao she needs to goto the doctor? Maybe that sounds a little better. She could have been in a state of shock, but I was in this situation once years ago and I was freaking out. I couldnt get that thing out of me fast enough!
Or shes lying, make that bitch piss on the strip in front of you or take her to a doctor to get a blood test before you flip.
I have known mutiple girls that have lied for so many reasons, like to keep the guy around, or collect the abortion money. Its fucked up but it happens.
Also, if you do what this douche says (jj) its actually a criminal offense.
Just make she she is actually pregnant and not just wanting attention from you.

Dnag BB I thought we was cool now I got to be a douche WTF ? that hurts, if you could read fluently in fucking around you could of laughed to. I think it was obvious I was clowning shit.... :worried:
Dnag BB I thought we was cool now I got to be a douche WTF ? that hurts, if you could read fluently in fucking around you could of laughed to. I think it was obvious I was clowning shit.... :worried:

aw sorry jj, cheer up Im sure youll have the chance to kill many of your own babies in the future.
If I actually did that you think I d have 6 fucking kids...lmao

It dont really matter to me what ya think...... get hurt..
lol, 6 huh? all with the same chick?

No 4 with the wife 2 with x s. Dont you remember we talked bout this and you were like 6 kids omg and hogman said it aint like I had to push em out.lol Were done after the 4 th is born this July I am gonna get snipped.... Sorry if my humor was offensive I know ladies and babies are a touchy subject, sometimes I forget you are here..my bad ..:elephant:
Just watch out for the 2 older ones they know arm bars rear naked chokes heel hooks and how to use elbows, they are 5 & 6 the older one a girl. I have been teching them this stuff since they could walk ... My daughter actually passed out my wifes brother once. LOL
i txted her this morning askin if she took another test and she said, "ya. positive yet again" ..i told her to send me a pic of the test and she said "i will later"..that was the end of our convo..havent heard from her in over 5 hours. dont u think she'd be tryin to talk to me about this if she really is prego?
tommy something is up man, i dont like this chick or any chick like her. fucking crazy little bitches crying cause their dad didn't hug them before they went to prom or some bullshit. just reading this shit gives me flash backs of some crazy girls ive known.

if blondie (just cause shes a girl) is admitting it, you know something is definitely fishy about this hooker.
nicely said..she txt'ed me about 2 hours ago asking if i got the pic (i asked for a pic of the positive test) and i told her i never got it..she replied, "ok, ill send it again." ..2 hours later and nothing..which is bullshit cus she's sent me pics before so it's not like theres something magically wrong..

im not falling for it. right now, i see it as a flat out lie. while im extremely pissed off about the whole situation, im definitely more relieved.

dtone- man some chicks can be wild. i've come across some crazy chicks before but this girl disguised it well. fricken nuts man. idk what goes through their minds sometimes..hell, i dont know what goes through their minds most times! besides you blondie, you're A-ok in my book...so far! haha

thanks for all the advice and input..really helped me out during the past few days. :beertoast
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