Post blast question when returning to TRT levels


Not Novice, But Not Pro
Background - Been on TRT at 200mg/week of test cyp + 500 units HCG+Anastrozole for a year. I'm researching doing a 12 week blast at 500 mg test cyp/week (+HCG and AI as before). (So..., after blasting on 500mg/week for 12 weeks, I would return to 200 mg/week on 13th week)

(1) Would I feel depressed, moody, etc. from dropping back to 200mg from blast level of 500 mg?
Please have labs done prior to blasting. Know where you are, then have labs 6 weeks in, to see where you are blasting. Then have labs done post blast, to see if you came back within range. I've never had any issues coming back to TRT. It was always coming back to natty, prior to TRT that gave me problems
Going back to 200/week really didn't bother me much at all. I got caught with TT levels a bit high and the TRT doc put me on 100/week and that was rough. 200 is really a pretty high TRT dose though so I think you will be fine.
Going back to 200/week really didn't bother me much at all. I got caught with TT levels a bit high and the TRT doc put me on 100/week and that was rough. 200 is really a pretty high TRT dose though so I think you will be fine.

How many weeks after the blast did you get the bloood work that got you caught?

Planning a blast and don t want to get nabbed
It was 4 weeks and I knew it was coming. All I can figure is the Deca I was using was spiked with some extra test. I've been taking 200/week Deca since I started TRT but I noticed this latest stuff gave me a little more "kick", kinda like a get after a test shot. As in horny as fuck for a couple days which I should have figured out. Anyway I came clean with the doc but he cut me off for a few weeks and then put me on 100/week.
It was 4 weeks and I knew it was coming. All I can figure is the Deca I was using was spiked with some extra test. I've been taking 200/week Deca since I started TRT but I noticed this latest stuff gave me a little more "kick", kinda like a get after a test shot. As in horny as fuck for a couple days which I should have figured out. Anyway I came clean with the doc but he cut me off for a few weeks and then put me on 100/week.

My dr tests for free and total test does yours? From my understading 19nors don't show up on total test results but do on free test is that how your able to do deca and not get caught on just using deca?
He just looks at TT as far as I know. We've talked about it before and well, he just well told me not to let him see it. I fucked up there I guess.

It was not bothering him until my TT showed up over 2000 when on 200 test cyp/week.
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I think the hardest part of coming off a blast and back down to TRT is timing the reduction of your AI dosage. Other than. that you should feel fine.
It was 4 weeks and I knew it was coming. All I can figure is the Deca I was using was spiked with some extra test. I've been taking 200/week Deca since I started TRT but I noticed this latest stuff gave me a little more "kick", kinda like a get after a test shot. As in horny as fuck for a couple days which I should have figured out. Anyway I came clean with the doc but he cut me off for a few weeks and then put me on 100/week.

Last time I used Deca with my TRT dose of test I discovered that it was adulterated with Test as well. Good old Pinnacle Deca...
My dr tests for free and total test does yours? From my understading 19nors don't show up on total test results but do on free test is that how your able to do deca and not get caught on just using deca?

That's an interesting question. I don't know. I wonder if some of the nandrolone binds to your SHBG thus causing more testosterone to be unbound? Makes sense to me that it would -- assuming that nandrolone binds to SHBG. Hopefully someone who knows the answer will chime in.
This is odd... I was running "Deca" which also came up as Test... Either their is a lot of people making Test as Deca or for some reason Nandrolone is picking up as Test, which it should not do so.


Ohwell, my next blast will be another attempt at blasting straight Test but with letro and toremifene this time. I have never really noticed much of a difference coming off high test to lower test though, you loose a little of the superman feel yes but there is no major difference, nothing like coming off completely. I would wait 3-4 weeks after the last blast shot before getting levels tested again.
I was reading llewellyn's book a while back and he mentioned that Deca was quite frequently substituted with test by UGL's because it's so much cheaper. I have only heard good things about the supplier I used here so I initially gave them the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't see how my levels could have been that high after a month...
That's an interesting question. I don't know. I wonder if some of the nandrolone binds to your SHBG thus causing more testosterone to be unbound? Makes sense to me that it would -- assuming that nandrolone binds to SHBG. Hopefully someone who knows the answer will chime in.

Androgens can certainly affect free test exactly by the method you described. However, total test does not see any change, unless it is indeed not deca in that vial.

OP: Get a private blood test a week before TRT tests. If you still pop out of range, reschedule your appointment for a few weeks out. You can blame it on just about anything, just keep it simple.

I have an initial libido decrease, but it jumps back up once I normalize. I think the hardest part is the drop in strength/stamina in the gym, but you eventually do get back into the swing of things.

My .02c :)
Absolutely, I agree that other androgens will affect free hormone amount via affecting SHBG... Total Test should be the same yes.

Oh yeah how could I forget, libido isn't as good, but it's still good, but at 250mg Test you still horny but its awesome the higher you go.