post cycle and keeping gains


New member
how many of you have gone all out on post cycle recovery and used all three clomid, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and nolvedex??? how much of your gains did you keep???? 50%, 75%?

I usually retain 90% of my gains. Clomid, proper post cycle diet, and reducing training intensity are the most important keys to retaining gains IMO. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) helps but I have retained gains without it as well as with it.
Even with clomid and nolva usage my highest amount of weight gained on last cycle (15lbs) was almost all evaporated by what is now been 5 weeks since last shot...too much stress in my life is to blame here though, not post cycle drug regimen...
My best bridge was with insulin, 15mg anavar, clomid and creatine, I kept basically everything
My formula for keeping 105%

HCG 500 for 20, 750 for 15, or 1000 for 10
Clomid right after Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 300mg day1, 100mg for 10, 50mg for 10

Clomid starts normal time (ie 2wks after enanthate) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is started by counting backwards from Clomid time.

25mg Aromasin EOD throughout
10mg AM dbol throughout and continued past clomid
10mg Nolva throughout plus 2wks past clomid
20mg Anavar (var) started after nolva

Optional- Slin PW, GH, Proviron

Training-PL style. Heavy as hell, low volume. 45min max in gym, max 4x a week. Focus on core, compound movements.

Diet-High protien, Highest calories you can afford without too much fat gain for your goals

You may think I would be a 400lb freak by now if I got 105% of gains everytime. Let me say that it isnt nessicarily by weight, but by goals. So cutting I may lose, bulking I may gain, strength may go either way. Also, gains dont always (unfortunately) mean 20lbs put on. Could only be 5.
Massive1 said:
How many grams of creatine did you take,NS?
I was taking between 5-10 grams every morning when I woke up, and the same amount after each workout(with 10iu's humalog post workout)
From the sounds of things, people believe that longer cycles are helpfull in maintaining gains and I'm starting to believe that, at least somewhat. Keep up with the diet, and the gym work, and I believe you should expect to keep most of your gains. I kept most of mine, although I did soften up, so I was not 100% after my first cycle.
I heard somewhere upwards of 30g of creatine.20 is close, I might add that into the arsenol. Thanks for the info bro.
I revived this long-dead thread because I thought that this "formula for keeping 105%" looked very interesting. I know some would protest that using androgens post cycle is detrimental to recovery but I'd like some feedback from vets about the effectiveness of such a plan.

After the quote, I have listed specific questions about how to implement this formula.

Billy_Bathgate said:
My formula for keeping 105%

HCG 500 for 20, 750 for 15, or 1000 for 10
Clomid right after HCG, 300mg day1, 100mg for 10, 50mg for 10

Clomid starts normal time (ie 2wks after enanthate) HCG is started by counting backwards from Clomid time.

25mg Aromasin EOD throughout
10mg AM dbol throughout and continued past clomid
10mg Nolva throughout plus 2wks past clomid
20mg Anavar (var) started after nolva

Optional- Slin PW, GH, Proviron

Training-PL style. Heavy as hell, low volume. 45min max in gym, max 4x a week. Focus on core, compound movements.

Diet-High protien, Highest calories you can afford without too much fat gain for your goals

You may think I would be a 400lb freak by now if I got 105% of gains everytime. Let me say that it isnt nessicarily by weight, but by goals. So cutting I may lose, bulking I may gain, strength may go either way. Also, gains dont always (unfortunately) mean 20lbs put on. Could only be 5.

Does this mean you take 500 iu every day for 20 days, or 750 iu every day for 15 days, etc?

How long after the clomid should you run it?

Start the next day after nolva? How long would you run the Anavar (var)? So now, you are using no anti-e's or any other stuff except Anavar (var) (unless you opted for slin, GH or proviron.

Exactly how would you use it (dosage and duration)?
don't undestimate the power of glutamtine peptides.

all hype aside, it really is that potent:40oz:
OMEGA said:
don't undestimate the power of glutamtine peptides.

all hype aside, it really is that potent:40oz:

Some say it does not work because it does not make it past the gut. I will use it anyway (just in case).
Hi Jedi

thats the beauty of the peptides bro, its survives both PH and Heat changes where the Normal L-glutamine does not
well let me give you more info then =)

glutamine in the normal l-form is a sythetic amino acid because it is one lone amino acid any heat or Ph change alters its stability.

Glutamine Peptides on the other hand are bound to other proteins which buffer it form heat and acid changes

not only does it make the product durable, but for our purposes it gives the body a perputual stream of glutamine throughout the process of digestion thus the possiblity of nitrogen retention becomes reality. Assuring glutamine levels higher than noramlly present thruogh normal dietmis a pretty good idea while dieting hard training hard or coming off cyle, its good to keep the body high in it since its one of the primary aminos that gets drained when you go into to a catablic state or environment

MVMAXX was one of the first mods that tried it, and he happened to recieve it while coming off, and he said it helped him keep alot of gains and strength.
I use nolva, HCG, clomid, and have cyclofenil on hand.
With this stuff, anyone can hand onto gains for 1 month.
But 3 months later, I doubt anyone is as big or strong as they were end of cycle, and probably shrinking. You just dont stay big without continually using steroids.

Do research on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Using it over too long a period- and I am talking a few weeks- can really fuck you up. I do two shots of around 5000 IU, a week apart, and take nolva everyday during this period. Then I use clomid. I used cyclofenil once, and have a bunch on hand, but have to research that more before I use it again.
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