Post-Cycle for post cycle therapy (pct) after Var?


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Post-Cycle for PCT after Var?

My fiance is starting her first ever 5 weeks on Var. She has done her own research and knows the possible sides etc. Is post cycle therapy (pct) needed for 5 weeks on?

I know in the mans world post cycle therapy (pct) is huge, and the more I read on Supergirl's and Blondies posts its seems to be something needed for women also. So I would like to pick her up whatever is needed.

There were recommendations of @#$%Post Cycle. I almost bought that for myself but ended up with Protein Factory Post cycle. I have a full extra bottle. Would this work in helping depression, laziness, etc while off cycle? Or should I grabbed some Forged?

How you recommend dosing if so. For men in post cycle its 3 caps twice a day?

Any help would be appreciated.
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Thanks Jenner. I've been watching your progress and shared with my fiance. Awesome work keep it up and thanks for answering.