Post cycle! Not feeling so well


New to this
I started using Test Enanthat 250 I ran a 10 cc bottle over 5 weeks, and was convinced to stop use after doing the research on this site and by what the mods had told me. I was 175 natural gained up to 184, since i have stopped i am down to 168 thats less than i weighed before i started. I feel tired ALL DAY LONG and my stength gains are slower than before i ever ran test. Is this related to the use of test? I cant understand why I' mso damn tired all the time. Any help would be appreciated. I researched the side effects and couldnt find anything i was looking for. Thanks!!!
did you do any post cycle therapy (pct)? Clomid, Nolvadex, HCG? What were your reason's for stopping? Just curious.
The reason I stopped was that I was told I might be to young and that it would mess with my bodies natural production of testosterone I just turned 23 2 days ago. I did not run any pct. Do you think that my bodies natural production is off and thats the reaosn im so tired all the time? I've never felt like this before, and that was the first time of steroid use.
your body's natural test production is most likely shut down. you need to get on some HCG. 500iu every 4 days, maybe along with nolvadex at 20mg ED for 3 weeks.
Wow i didnt know my test could be shut down even after i havent used in 8 weeks. And what is HCG?, i havent heard that term yet.
wow bro, seems like you're way behind the game on this one. NEVER start a cycle unless you know everything there is to know about it, how you are going to run it, how to come off etc. hcg is a substance that acts like lh that gets your natural test up and running. just use the search button here and look for hcg, as for where to get it, well, no open posting so ask a mod. your test can easily be shutdown after 8 weeks, without a doubt, it can be shut down after 2 if your doses are high enough, and yours were. not to worry you man but you seem to be in some trouble here and you need to figure it out. use the search button, ask the mods. good luck.
Thanks, and thats the whole reason i stopped i had a "mentor" so to speak which later i found out he really didnt know shit. Thank god for this site ive learned so much in a short time and still have lots more to learn. I'm just worried about my damn test levels my body feels so out of wack right now. It's almost hard to train when youre not getting anywhere, and of course the mods really helped me curve my decision to quit using. I think I may see a doc and get some blood work done.
Hey Bro, You gotta also get yourself back mentally. When your on a cycle your test levels can be through the roof and your energy levels also, so you will have that extra boost to train harder and longer and you feel great and recover faster, and then "BAM" you stop your cycle and take all of those great high levels away from your body and your body "Hates" you for it. Now you have to help your body levels get used to being :Ordinary" again and that takes Great Care with a proper post cycle therapy (pct), which if you do a search from the home page you will find hundreds of articles to help you figure out what you need to do. I would also suggest to do a creatine and NO2 cycle and get on a big time Vitamin Kick as this will help you while your system gets back to normal. You also have to be tough mentally and make yourself stay in the gym and train hard, eat right, and take lots of protein. The mental part of comming off a cycle is very hard for a lot of people as they feel they can't train unless they are on cycle because they don't have that Boost. Do try to get yourself some clomid or nolva or both. Hang Tough and it will work out. Good Luck!!!
Thanks budrau! I'm still training and eating the same as before. I kicked down a little on the protein intake but other than that the diet is still the same. The only thing is the being tired part!