Post Cycle Peptide Help


New member
finished up a test cycle... looking to run some peptides to keep the gaines/lean out/ and even make MORE gains... have researched into the super basic science behind the different peptides but i am still at a loss as to what is the best "cycle" to run in order to lose fat and not just maintain the gains from AAS but add to them.. any help or direction is very much appreciated.

Thank you

oo btw stats 6'3 260 24 years old maybe 14-16% bf .. have worked out for a long time but seriously for 5-6 years
I stay lean easy so I'm running ghrp-6. Have all mine from gwp and love it. Not running the osta yet but my buddy loves it, I will be throwing that in next post cycle. Running the igf,cjc,ghrp along w some fat burners (Helios/t3) still gaining strength and dropping bf.
How in the hell can you afford this.. i was looking at 3 months of all listed above and it was over 1k... pretty expensive lab study...
ok.. have done some more research.

Right now I am looking at a stack with:

GHRP2 - 3 months

IGF1lR3-2.5 months

CJC1295- 3 months

dosages/timing im not 100% sure yet(still looking for help/research)

My goals are to cut fat.. keep all and actually add to my gaines/size from my test cycle and basically run this until i jump back on another cycle of test...
I want to know if this basic stack is the best option to achieve the goals i want or am i better off running legit hgh.. really i am looking for any advice here as this was my first test cycle and i have no previous experience with peptides

any help is much appreciated