Post cycle supplements.


New member
I am currently on a test e cycle... but that besides the point...

I was wondering what kind of otc supplements if any would help keep gains, and help me grow after my cycle. I mean more things like creatine, no2, just wondering whether you guy like using them after a cycle, or if it's just a waste.
IndianGodMan said:
I am currently on a test e cycle... but that besides the point...

I was wondering what kind of otc supplements if any would help keep gains, and help me grow after my cycle. I mean more things like creatine, no2, just wondering whether you guy like using them after a cycle, or if it's just a waste.

NO2 sucks. Get some creatine,nolvadex,milk thistle, omega-3's, hawthorn berries wouldnt hurt, or even some tribulus. Depending on how long ur test cycle is...i would guess about 8 weeks? id run post cycle therapy (pct) for about 6 weeks. nolvadex dosages for 40mg weekly down to 30..20..20...20..10
wood78221 said:
NO2 sucks. Get some creatine,nolvadex,milk thistle, omega-3's, hawthorn berries wouldnt hurt, or even some tribulus. Depending on how long ur test cycle is...i would guess about 8 weeks? id run post cycle therapy (pct) for about 6 weeks. nolvadex dosages for 40mg weekly down to 30..20..20...20..10
OK, I'll bite...You mean 40mg daily for a week, or 40mg once each week (ditto for the 20/20/20/10 taper)...Not being smarmy, just you did not specify... :)
IndianGodMan said:
I am currently on a test e cycle... but that besides the point...

I was wondering what kind of otc supplements if any would help keep gains, and help me grow after my cycle. I mean more things like creatine, no2, just wondering whether you guy like using them after a cycle, or if it's just a waste.
